About Me

meet our family

Aaron, Jaimie, Hannah, Lilly, Beck, and Charlotte

I'm Jaimie! I'm a 34 year old wife, and mother.
I love spending time with my family, reading, walking, and watching re runs of Everybody Loves Raymond (I know that is strange, but I just really love that show!). I recently found a new way of cleaning when I stumbled upon Diane in Denmark on Youtube, and she introduced me to the FlyLady System. I have only been using it for less than a year, but I can already see such a big difference in the look and feel of my home. 
I am also a Christian. I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love learning more about Heavenly Father and his plan for me. I love my Savior and strive to emulate him in my life. 
I am a mother to four beautiful children, and although it is a very demanding role, it is the most important work I will do while on the earth. 
My blog has become quite neglected over the past couple years, but I hope to reclaim it and use it as a creative outlet that others can also enjoy and learn from. 
I feel like a completely different person than the one who started this blog over eight years ago, but still the same wife, mother and daughter of God.

Here is my family!

This is my husband, Aaron! He left the Marine Corps in 2015 and is now working as a realtor here in Utah. 
Aaron loves relaxing on the couch with a pepsi and playing video games.
He loves spending time with his family, eating delicious food, and working out at the gym.

This is Hannah! My little mini me. She is a VERY energetic eight year old. 
She loves to play with her toys, help me bake cookies, ride her bike and watch all the kids movies on netflix.

This is Lilly Belle. My sweet and sassy five year old.  She has the best facial expressions and is always wanting to play barbies with me. She loves cuddles, playing with her big sister, and being outside in the cold.

This is Beck. He is three years old. From the second he was born, he stole my heart! He loves anything to do with dinosaurs, cars and playing with his big sisters.

the newest additon to our family is Charlotte. She was born in August and has filled our home with even more love. She loves eating, sleeping, and pooping!

join us on facebook and pinterest

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