Monday, July 26, 2021

My Simple Plan for Setting Goals

Is it just me or has setting goals become really complicated? There are videos, posts, pins demonstrating a step by step process on how to set goals. If you need that - AWESOME! I use to spend a lot of time setting my goals in their very specific way. The problem was, I didn't get to the part where I actually worked on any of them - oops! 

So, I simplified it!

1. I created a vision board

This vision board lives in my bedroom where I can see if EVERYDAY! 
The pictures on this list are my biggest hopes and dreams for life. I have no idea when they will manifest in my life, but I know, eventually, they will!
They are big enough that I can only achieve them through faith in my Savior, Jesus Christ.
Terri Savelle Foy said, "If you can achieve your goals on your own, then they aren't big enough." 
Love that!

2. I wrote down very specific short term goal on a plain old index card.

10 goals that I keep with me and refer to often. 10 goals that get me closer to my vision board dreams.

3. I work and live as if they have already happened

I am a convert to the phrase, "you attract what you think you deserve." another phrase is, "Whether you think you can or think you can't you are right." Meaning - if you make a vision board of all these dreams but you don't think it will actually happen then you are right! It will never happen!
I believe it will happen. I believe God wants more for my life then to live it below my potential.

It is time to start BELIVING!

That's it! My simple goal setting plan. I review my goals daily and update them monthly. 
How do you set goals? Do you look at them often? Do you believe they can happen?
let me know in the comments!

Games we Played in February 2022

  February was a big game month for our family. Lilly Belle and I both discovered a love for board games and that left us wanting to play on...