Sunday, August 2, 2020

Watch for the Blessings

When I was a brand new military wife, I met - more like the Lord placed in my life - the sweetest woman. She had been a military wife a lot longer than I had, and was telling me all about life in the military. I listened as she told me about all the places her husband had deployed too and how long he was gone for.
Feeling slightly overwhelmed, and unsure of what I had got myself into, I asked her, "How do you cope with your husband being gone so much!?" Being a newlywed, I simply couldn't imagine a day without seeing my husband (Oh to be young and newly married again.) I also knew that her story would quickly become my reality. 
Her response to me was, "I write down all the blessings that come because my husband is away." Things like, being able to visit with family for longer periods of time, meeting new friends, realizing that you can do hard things, relying more fully on the Lord, and strengthening your testimony that truly families are forever. I admired her faith and her positive outlook on some really trying times. 
When my husband deployed a few years later, I put her advice to the test. I looked for all the blessings that
came because he was away. I too was able to spend more time with family. I was able to work for a family friend. I became more independent and sure of my abilities to carry on with life. I gained a deeper love for my Heavenly Father and Savior. I met a new friend whose husband was also deployed. She quickly became someone I could vent to and vice versa. She understood exactly what I meant when I would say, "I am surround by family and friends but feel so alone." We never would have met if our husband's had not deployed. I could go on and on but needless to say the blessings were there IF I looked for them.  

I few weeks ago, I was having a party for one - yes I was quite happy enjoying my little pity party. Why was this not going the way I  wanted? Why couldn't we have more of this? The kids are driving me crazy! and on and on it went. It was in that moment when I was reminded of my sweet friend and her advice to me all those years ago. I started to wonder what blessings were coming my way because of this pandemic. The answer - lots! My family and I have been incredibly blessed by the Lord even though we are spending most of our time inside our home. My husband has been able to continue to work. 
I have been able to start some new hobbies. My girls are building a strong sibling relationship (I love listening to them play their games.) I have been able to enjoy life with no schedules or drop off or pick up times. I am so grateful for the opportunity to slow down and realize what things are important in my life and what things I can let go off. 
I don't want to take away from anyone's hardships. I know this pandemic has not been easy to navigate,. However, I do know we have a loving Heavenly Father who watches over us. He wants nothing more than for us to succeed in life.  Whether or not we notice, blessings are being poured down on us. Some may have an immediate effect and some we won't realize for weeks, months, even years. So my advice is simply to 
watch for them because I promise you they are there. 


Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...