Thursday, January 9, 2020

2020 Goals and My Word of the Year

Here we go with another year!
I don't know about you but I am so excited to get this year started! I am ecstatic with my word for the year and subsequently with how I am going to achieve my goals. 

quick story time - this time last year, I was around 4 weeks pregnant and sick as a dog (where does that saying come from?) I spent most of my January laying on the couch, feeling like I was going to vomit, or actually vomiting. Morning sickness is a bunch of rubbish! In my four pregnancies I have had all day sickness from week 4 till week 40. So why share this story? I share it because for the first time in my life I had no motivation, no energy, and no ambition. My only goal was to summon enough energy to go from my bed to the couch. Some days I couldn't even accomplish that. Thankfully, time passed and I was able to feel normal again which ends this quick (not so quick) story.

That experience is why I am ready to begin this new year with new goals. All surrounding my word of the year :


I want an increase of joy in my life.
I have felt, that for a long time, there has been pockets of joy, but that joy has been overshadowed by stress, guilt, worry, frustration, and a feeling of overwhelm. Life has been good and my family and I have been extremely blessed, but it has also been hard. I'm done with the negative emotions dominating my days. I am ready to be consistently and genuinely joyful.

How am I going to achieve this you might ask?
President Russell M. Nelson said, "The joy that we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives, and everything to do with the focus of our lives."
This year I am focusing on strengthening four relationships
First, with my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Second, with my husband.
Third, with my children (still find it hard to believe I have four of them!)
Fourth, with myself.

I know that last one sounds a little strange, but for too long I have been my own bully. I have said horrible things to myself because I haven't felt like I am enough.
Not pretty enough
funny enough
social enough
or smart enough.
I don't cook enough
or don't clean enough
the list can go on and on, but it ultimately is pointless. It does nothing for me except drag me further down into those negative emotions I listed earlier.
Truth is - I am enough, so it is time to start treating myself as such.

Each month this year I am going to be focusing on how I can find more joy

January - finding joy in goal setting
February - finding joy in love and service (particularly my family)
March - finding joy in de-cluttering
April - finding joy in my Savior
May - finding joy in self care
June - finding joy in my husband
 July - finding joy in adventure
August - finding joy in the morning
September - finding joy in my children
October - finding joy in planning ahead
November - finding joy in being thankful
December - finding joy in the season

That's my plan!
Now, I just need to make sure that I execute it.

what are some of your goals for 2020?
 Do you have a word for the year?

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