Thursday, November 14, 2019

ten tips for dealing with those days where you just can't get going

Do you ever just have one of those days where for whatever reason you just can't get going? 
The usual rhythm of the day feels out of sync.
 I think we can all relate and have experienced those kind of days. You might even be experiencing one of those days right now. In all honesty, no matter what, we will probably have more of these "lazy" days in the future, and that's OK.

 I feel the need to point out that this is just for those who feelings can come once in a while. If you are continually feeling a lack of motivation or you don't want to do anything because you are not happy with life in general, I urge you to seek help from a professional. 

Here are my top ten tips for dealing with the blues, the blahs, down in the dumps or whatever you call it.

1. DON'T SIT DOWN. - I know, I know this sounds a little bit harsh, but the second you sit down it is over. You will lose any willpower to get back and get on with the tasks of the day. Sitting down is just prolonging the things that will need to get done eventually, so don't give in no matter how tempting and cozy and comfortable your couch or bed look. Resist!!

 2. STICK TO YOUR ROUTINES - If you are reading this and thinking I don't have any daily routines then go make a list with five things you want to get done in the morning and five things you want to get done in the evening (see the picture on the left.) These routines are your foundation for a smooth day. Your morning routine sets up your day and your evening routine brings your day to an end and sets up a successful tomorrow. If nothing else gets done during the day, then at least the most important things (your routines) were accomplished.

3. SET A TIMER. - if you are really struggling to get going then grab yourself a timer. Decide how
much time you want to commit to a particular task and then work hard until the timer ends. You will be pleasantly surprised by how much you can get done when you work hard for a set amount of time.

4. MUSIC. - I am not talking about putting on some classical or spiritual music here (although I do love my more spiritual music.) I want music that is high in energy. Music that gets you moving. Music that makes you happy and excited when you hear it! I fully believe that music has a way of making the mundane tasks a bit more bearable.

5. OPEN YOUR CURTAINS. - Sounds simple enough, but I am shocked by the amount of people who do not open their curtains/blinds. Friends, lets get some sunlight in our homes. When I was a military wife, living on base, NO ONE ever opened their blinds. I need that sunlight in my house. It lets me know today is a new day, a fresh start. Plus it feels good to see the sunlight streaking through your house, especially during those winter months.

6. GET DRESSED. - Mentally, getting dressed tells your brain you are ready to go! Now, I'm not saying wear sweatpants and a baggy shirt but actually dressed in something a bit more presentable. Why not put on some makeup as well. Makeup brings life to your face and your soul. When we are looking good and feeling good we are better prepared to tackle the day.

7. GET OUTSIDE. - Change your scenery! Sometimes we just need to look at something different, so go for a walk, go to the mall, or maybe go to the local coffee shop. Look for the beauty around you, and appreciate where you live. A bit of fresh air can do wonders for a "lazy day."

8. DON'T FIGHT IT. - Sometimes, our lack of motivation could be our bodies way of telling us something is off. For me, I usually need to rest. A lack of water or nutrition could also be adding to our blues. Take a minute to evaluate if your body is trying to tell you something.

9. BE CREATIVE. - Take ten minutes to do something that makes you happy. Something that gets your creative juices flowing. You could knit, paint, cook, even clean. Being creative just might be the break you needed before tackling the rest of your day

10. REWARD YOURSELF. - I am not opposed to bribery not even with myself. At the end of a long day, I have no problem rewarding myself with my favorite treat or cup of hot chocolate. If their is a task that you really don't want to do then give yourself a reward once it is completed. In a world where we want instant gratification, rewarding your hard work can do the trick.

I hope some to these tips were helpful for you. Remember, if you need to take a day to relax and leave your tasks for another time then go on and do it; but, don't do it twice in a row. When we start missing too many days it gets harder and harder to get back into it. Our motivation will continues to fade the longer we remove ourselves from our daily tasks.
These tips can apply to any of us in any situation.

Remember : 


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