Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Transitioning from Kindergarten to First Grade

I knew the shift from afternoon kindergarten to all day school would be an adjustment for Hannah. I didn't realize, however, just how big an adjustment it would be for ME! We are a family that doesn't move very fast in the morning. We enjoy sleeping in and then casually going about our day. There are no routines. . . . . or there use to be none. 

On the first day of school, I had boldly set my alarm for 6:30am. This would (in theory) give me half an hour to
get ready before having to wake Hannah up at 7. Yeah, I hit snooze again and again, so much so that by the time I finally gave it and got up it was already 7am. I, like a zombie, headed to the kitchen and made Hannah a pancake breakfast which she barely touched. Instead, she decided to head to the couch and cover herself in a blanket. A part of me just wanted to leave her there all bundled up; but instead I helped her pack her lunch and get dressed. Moving as slow as we were inevitably time got a little away from us. The last ten minutes involved us running up and down the stairs making sure we had everything. We were a little unsure of the route we wanted to take and how early we would need to leave, so we ended up arriving at her school with just minutes to spare. We walked her to the outside door (this school doesn't allow you go in the classroom to get the traditional sitting at her new desk pic,) and said our goodbyes. She, of course, was so excited to be back at school. She was now wide awake and ready to see all her old friends again. My day went on forever! I was tired and missing my baby girl. Finally, after what seemed like ages, it was time to go
pick her up. The traffic at the school was horrendous! Apparently, there were a lot of parents who were equally as excited to pick their kid(s) up from school.
She loved her first day which made me happy.
My only hesitation was knowing that we would have to do it all over again tomorrow and again after that. 
By the end of the week I was exhausted!!! Hannah was equally as tired and ready for a couple days off.

It has now been a a month of being back in school and I finally feel like we are finding our groove. The mornings are running much better since I  caved and now let her eat cereal in the morning (she doesn't want to eat hot breakfast first thing in the morning. ) I also now voluntarily wake up at 6am to enjoy some quiet time before waking Hannah up. I drop her off at school  early enough that she can play on the playground before heading into class. I also make sure to get in the pickup line early (I am definitely one of those parents who arrive ridiculous early!) I have always wondered how early those parents must get there to be at the front of the pickup line, and now I know. 
We have already dealt with a pretty intense head cold that resulted in her missing three days of school, and an email from her teacher explaining how much Hannah loves to play outside and doesn't like to come in from recess (she is doing so much better now.)
We are still trying to figure out an afternoon and evening routine, but as we learn how to juggle homework, swimming lessons, eating and bathing, it will start to flow. All in all I think we are doing alright.  

I love Hannah's school and enjoy watching Hannah learn and figure out new things. She is also making lots of friends which makes me so happy. 
My goals for Hannah this year are to improve her reading skills, make lots of friends, and develop a deeper love for learning. I miss her the second she leaves the car and count down the hours till pickup. I can't wait to see how far she goes this year. 
How has your transition back to school been? Does your child go to a public school or do you home school?

"The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you."

B.B. King

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