Thursday, September 13, 2018

School Lunch Ideas for Picky Eaters

In early August, we started getting ready for back to school. One thing I was really excited about was school lunch! I had seen so many cute ideas about all the cool food you could pack for your child. From make your own lunchables to tuna bagels. There were pictures of how to send leftovers (which looked better than any dinner I have ever made,)  and tons of fruits, veggies and snacks. One lady even posts her child's lunchbox menu on the fridge. Everyday that lucky kid was taking something new and delicious to school. 
This was my goal. I wanted to be that Mum - the only thing standing in my way was my very picky (creature of habit) six year old. I showed her all these cool ideas and her response every time was, "That's OK Mum, I just want a ham sandwich and grapes." 
But we have made it work by adding some fun touches, like the sandwich cutters and the fruit picker. 
Under each pic will be Hannah's list of things she will eat. Overtime, I'm hoping to continue to keep adding to her list.  
I do want to point out that if it was completely up to Hannah she would fill her lunch pail with potato chips, candy, and fruit snacks; however, she goes to a school that promotes healthy eating (the teachers aren't even aloud to have soda cans in their rooms,) and so we try to keep things semi healthy for that reason. 

Hannah's "Sandwich"List
ham (no cheese)
instead of a sandwich she will eat
crackers and peanut butter
crackers and small slices of ham
bagel (cinnamon and raisin) and cream cheese
hot dogs (cold)

Hannah's Fruit or Veggie List
apple slices
cucumbers and ranch

Hannah Extras List
string cheese (mozzarella kind only)
fruit strip
pudding cups (although she did have a slight accident with that)

Hannah's Treat List 
this is what I allow her to take
Hello Panda

 She packs her delicious lunch in her LOL surprise doll lunchbox. 
fun fact: that circle on the front of the lunchbox flips up to show an LOL doll but she doesn't like it so NEVER has it flipped! I love her!!
Whatever she doesn't eat during lunch (which I do not think is long enough) she will munch on during the ride home. 

I hope there were some ideas in this post that work for you and your picky eater
If you have a picky eater what do they eat for lunch? 

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