Friday, September 21, 2018

Our Top Ten Favorite Children's Books

Yesterday, I wrote about how we display our book (click here to read that post.) Today I want to share with you our ten favorite books 

Thelma the Unicorn by Aaron Blabey.

This is my favorite book to read to the kids. It is a story about a horse that dreams of becoming a unicorn. She thought her life would be great and glamorous; however, the rich and famous life isn't as great as she thought it would be. She realizes what is really important in life.  
This book is funny and sweet with a great message for kids about being happy being themselves.

Pig the Winner by Aaron Blabey

Yes, another Aaron Blabey book! His books are so funny and the illustrations are so perfect. The facial expressions that he gives his characters in the book are hilarious. My kids always try to recreate them. This book is about a pug named pig, and he will do anything to win - even cheat!
He finds out that winning isn't everything (sorta.)

The Pigeon Needs a Bath! by Mo Williams

You can not go wrong with any of the pigeon books, but this is our all-time favorite one. It has been a go to book for years. The kids aren't bored with it yet, and even more surprisingly, neither am I! I love reading about this rebellious pigeon who doesn't want to take a bath. I feel like I have the same conversations with my kids every night! They never want to take a bath but as soon as they get in they never want to get out!

I Am Not a Chair! by Ross Burach

This is probably one of (if not the) funniest books I have ever read! The first time the kids and I read it we could not stop laughing; especially, the ending. It is a hilarious book about a giraffe that keeps getting mistaken for a chair. 
He is fed up with it and decides he isn't going to take it anymore!
 Seriously, you have to read this book.

Ten Little Dinosaurs by Michael Brownlow

I swear my kids only love this book because of one page. It is the page where the dinosaurs are trying to dodge the poop. Yep, poop. I don't know what it is about poop, farts, or burps that make my kids laugh so much but this one definitely has them giggling every time. I love the pictures in this book and how cute the ten little dinosaurs are. 

Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess

This has to be one of the longest children's books we own; however, it manages to keep their attention from start to finish (I have become pretty skilled at reading it at a pretty fast pace.) The kids love all the questions Sam I Am suggests about where and who to eat with it. Eventually, he eats the green eggs and ham simply to get Sam I Am to leave him alone, and he actually likes them! 

Hedgehugs by Lucy Tapper

This is the sweetest and cutest book on our bookshelves. It is about two hedgehogs (best friends) who can't hug each other. They try all these different ways to try to hug, like using strawberries, leaves, and snow, but they never work. Finally, at the end of the book, they find a soft and cozy solution. Everything about this book is adorable and I love it when the kids pick it to read.

Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin

My kids love all books about Pete the Cat; however, this is their most favorite one. They both love singing along with Pete as he steps in different things that turn his shoes different colors. 
Pete is the coolest cat!
These books always have a really cool message about enjoying life no matter what comes your way.

That's Not My Puppy by Fiona Watt

This is Beck's number one pick. He loves anything to do with dogs, dinosaurs and cars. I love that this book is interactive for him. On every page he can touch and feel different reasons why this isn't his puppy. It could be that his ears are too shaggy or his collar is too shiny. 
He gets so excited when we finally find the right puppy.

Rex Wrecks It! by Ben Clanton

This is Beck's other pick when it is his turn to pick the book. 
Rex is a dinosaur that wrecks all of his friends creations. They decide the only way Rex won't wreck it is to have him build it with them. They all work together to build the biggest, strongest and awesomerriffic thing ever! It is so fun to see what his friends let Rex do after they spend all this time building.

Those are our favorite books (at the moment.) We love to read books together and I hope that never changes. Please let me know your favorite children's books.

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