Monday, September 10, 2018

How to Create a Spiritual Environment in your Home

"The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home."

- President Harold B. Lee

With the hustle and bustle of day to day life, it can sometimes be hard to feel the spirit. My house often becomes a dumping ground for mail, shoes, and an endless array of toys. My sweet little two year old  leaves a trial of cars all around the house. I can only laugh when I find them next to my bed, in the bathroom, or in the pantry (I have usually found them because I have stepped on them.) I love my boy!
As we juggle cleaning the house, running errands and getting kids to and from school, we can forget to simply stop and take a breath. Usually I have found that it is in these quiet moments that I feel the spirit more pronounced. We need his companionship with us always.

"Strong eternal families and spirit filled homes don't just happen. They take great effort."

- Cheryl A. Esplin

here are some helpful tips that have been working for me

1. embrace the chaos - My house isn't going to look clean all the time (or most of the time) and that is fine. I am going to have kids running around and being loud, so I'm just going to enjoy it!
One thing that I do, however, is I wake up an hour before my kids. I use this time to pray and study the scriptures. This one habit ensures that my day begins with the spirit. I can take my time and really listen to what Heavenly Father is trying to teach me. When I had a newborn, a toddler and a 5 year old, I was not waking up any earlier then needed. During this time, I would have quiet time in the afternoon. Baby would be sleeping, toddler would be napping (hopefully) and big sister would be playing quietly with some toys. I would then have time to study my scriptures and/or the words of the prophets. Some days it was just ten minutes and other days it was a good 30 minutes. What ever your situation, make the time to pray and study the scriptures. 

2. clean at night - says the girl who is done with the day once dinner is on the table. I don't know about you but I am much more productive in the morning then I am in the evening; however, I love waking up to a clean house. In order for that to happen, I muster up whatever energy I have left and get that dishwasher loaded and turned on before heading to bed. I quickly pick up whatever random things were left in the living room and wipe down the dining room table. It always feels so good to get those things done and, if I am honest, it never really takes that long to do. When morning comes around, I am able to pray and study the scriptures at my table without my mind going crazy about the mess around me. I find, for me, it is easier to feel the spirit when my house is clean and organized.  

3. play some music - It does not have to be LDS music! I will definitely put in a plug for The City of Enoch here because their music is beautiful, but I also love listening to piano or violin music as well. In the morning, Hannah (my oldest) really enjoys listening to a playlist called deep focus (you can find it on Spotify.) She calls it her calming music.
I also really enjoy listening to podcasts and General Conference talks. The church has a podcast/YouTube video series called gospel solutions for family on the mormon channel (you can click here to read my blog post on it.) One podcast they did talked about was how we can teach our children to feel the spirit. I would highly recommend you listen to or watch that one.

4. put pictures of the temple and savior EVERYWHERE -  I love having pictures of the temple and the Savior in my home. It makes me feel good. I love when my kids point to Christ and call him Jesus. It melts me. The pictures on the left are in my children's bedroom. They are of the Provo City Center Temple and the Salt Lake Temple by Kelsey Carlson art. I love the gold outline and how they get brighter as the light touches them. My girls keep them right next to their beds so they can see them often. My dream is to have a house filled with beautiful artwork. I love the feeling art brings into our home.

5. have a place to go - in my old apartment, where space was limited, this was my kitchen counter. I made sure it was kept clean so I could focus solely on my scriptures or whatever conference talk I was studying. Now that we are in a townhouse with lots more room, I set up a little nook in my bedroom with a desk and  bookcase. This nook is where I think, write, and set my goals. Even though my main scripture study is done at the table (so I don't disturb my sleeping husband,) I will do any additional studying or lesson prep here. I love having a place that is all my own to be on my own. I encourage you to find a similar place to escape (even for just a little bit.)

"Every home is different, but every home where even one individual seeks for truth can make a difference."

- Cheryl A. Esplin

I hope you liked these ideas. Please let me know what you do to create a spiritual environment in your home, car, or work.
Remember, the Lord knows your hearts and will bless any effort you make in creating a spiritual environment. He understands our crazy lives because he knows and loves us individually. He is aware of our circumstances and our struggles. Stay close to him and the spirit will stay close to you. 

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