Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Family Home Evening Idea : Listening

prep: clips of different sounds
listening ear headbands


scripture: James 1:19 - Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

activity: have the kids put on their "listening ears" (link to the printable down below) and have them see if they can guess the different sounds. I played 10 sound clips from my computer (5 seconds long) chickens, car horn, cuckoo clock, glass breaking, page turning, phone ringing, video game etc. I tried to find more difficult sounds for my older child and easier sounds for my middle child. 
We talked about how we were able to guess the sounds because we were listening. We weren't distracted with other things like toys or books. We were giving the activity our full attention.

lesson: I read a story from the book, Devotions for Girls (ages 2-5,) called Listen to Me! We then used the discussion questions to talk about the importance of listening (found on page 112.) 
We talked about who we should be listening to. The girls answered with parents, teachers, friends, each other. 
We then talked about the importance of listening to the Holy Ghost. Heavenly Father uses the Holy Ghost to talk to us. We mentioned the different ways we could feel the Holy Ghost and what things he does for us - comforts us, testifies truth etc.

weekly challenge: be better listeners

game: Simon says


I have a seven year old, three year old and two year old, so our family home evenings are very simple. You can use this plan and adapt it to fit your family and their needs.

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