Sunday, August 26, 2018

Spritual Slumps and How to Navigate your way out

"Let today be the day you give up who you've been for who you can become."

- Hal Elrod

I'm not entirely sure how I ended up in my "spiritual slump." It probably was the result of not praying or not reading my scriptures enough, but, if I am completely honest with myself it was the fact that I chose not to do those things. Ultimately, I made the choice to lay down in bed without praying first. I made the choice to NOT read my scriptures because (insert any excuse here, too busy, too tired, can't remember where I left finished the last time.)

It was fairly soon after we moved into the townhouse we are currently renting that I started thinking about how easy it would be to not go to church. People get lost in the shuffle of moving all the time (or so I assume.) That one (quite scary) thought made me reflect about my own spirituality. I honestly couldn't remember feeling the Holy Ghost ,very prominent, in my life lately. It felt like a piece of me was missing. A light had gone out inside me and now I needed to decide if I wanted to turn it back on.

"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays."

- Soren Kierkegaard

I immediately got down on my knees and offered a heartfelt prayer to my Heavenly Father. I asked to simply feel the sweet feeling of the Holy Ghost again. Later that day, we arrived at our brand new ward. In Relief Society, I was asked to read this quote. "Sometimes we can't hear heaven's signals because we are not worthy. Repentance and obedience are the way to achieve clear communication again. The Old Testament word for repent means "to turn" or "turn around." When you feel far from God, you need only make the decision to turn from sin and face the Savior, where you will find Him waiting for you, His arms outstretched. He is eager to guide you, and you are just one prayer away from receiving that guidance again." 
Are you kidding me!? Seriously, that is the quote I was asked to read! What was more shocking was there were no comments that followed. The instructor moved on with the lesson while I sat there completely speechless and enveloped in my Heavenly Father's love.
 Anyone in the class could have been asked to read that quote, but it was given to me. The girl who was desperately seeking to feel the spirit again.

"It will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, and comforting influence of the Holy Ghost."

- President Russell M. Nelson

I went home from church that day feeling excited and motivated to make some changes.
 Of course the obvious answers came to mind; such as, putting my phone down more, watching less TV, and being more present. However, I had this nagging feeling that it was bigger than just simply not checking social media randomly throughout the day. It had to be an inner (more spiritual) change. I had be more intentional with choosing to fill my day with spiritual things.

Here are the steps I took (am still taking) to get (and keep) me out of this "spiritual slump."

  • Prayer - It sounds so simple to get down on your knees and pray, yet, it can be the most difficult thing to do. However, if we want to feel spiritually connected to our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ this is the perfect place to start. 
  • Scripture Study - I committed to read my scriptures everyday that upcoming week and I did it. I focused on reading 2nd Nephi 9 and also the reading assignment for Sunday School. I was blown away by the things that I learned and all the precious things the spirit whispered to me. 

This was my notebook after a week of studying 2nd Nephi 9. I had to stick more pieces of paper on the page because I kept running out of space. It is such a beautiful chapter about the atonement, Christ's love for us, and what we need to do to return to live with God again. 

  • Invest in a good book - I am currently reading, Living Your Covenants Everyday by Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt. This is where the challenge to read 2nd Nephi 9 everyday for a month came from (although I just did a week.) It has been such a great aid in my journey to feel the Holy Ghost more. It is all about intentionally living our covenants everyday.  I have several other books I purchased from the church bookstore which I am excited to start reading soon. 

  • Change what you are listening to - This was a big one for me, but one that I know has helped me tremendously to feel more spiritually anchored. Some of the things I did was no electronics in the morning; instead, I play uplifting (or calming) music while my oldest is getting ready for school (and now she asks for the calming music.) I also decided no radio in the car when it is me and the kids. This way we can talk and I can find out about their day or things that are on their mind etc. I also get to listen to them talk with each other which is always entertaining (most of the time.) Surprisingly, I haven't missed blaring and dancing to my playlists on spotify (although I agree there is a time to do this. For our family it is when we are cleaning.) Lastly, I listen to inspiring podcasts throughout the day - mostly when I'm getting ready or making dinner. My favorite is gospel solutions for families, but I also enjoy some fitness, mom, and goal oriented ones as well. 
  • Get Outside - It is amazing what some fresh air can do for us. Go for a walk, sit on the porch, or take your kids to the playground. Being outside is refreshing and the change of environment could be just what our soul needs to reflect and  make any necessary readjustments. 

"Don't you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead - a lot of it."

- Jeffrey R. Holland

It isn't always the easiest thing to do but it is so worth it. I have been a lot happier during the day since doing these things because I have been spiritually feed first.

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