Monday, August 20, 2018

Motivational Monday #44

Do you ever have those experiences where a quote, a podcast, a scripture speaks straight to your soul.? I sincerely hope that you do. I had one just last week while reading, Living Your Covenants Everyday but Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt. One small paragraph jumped off the page, slapped me in the face, and pierced my soul (I understand that sounds way over dramatic but that is how if felt.)

I read:

For too long, I have sat on the sidelines watching others compete in the race. For too long, I have worried about what others might think of me if I joined the race. For too long, I have stayed in the shadows while my dreams remained just that - a dream. 
Guys, I'm 33! If I don't get in the race soon, I may never experience the thrill of the race at all!! I can't let that happen. I want my children to know that dreams are real, but you have to work your butt of the get them. 

Each of us have been given specific talents from our Heavenly Father to help us fulfill our dreams. We CAN make them a reality if we are willing to be vulnerable and get in the race.

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