Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Day I Met The Prophet

I don't remember too much about the day I met the prophet, Thomas S. Monson, although he wasn't the prophet yet; but I will never forget the day he shook my hand!
It was 1998 and my Mum and siblings traveled by bus, with other ward members, to the dedication of the Preston, England Temple. It was quite a drive (about three and a half hours.) We arrived and was immediately ushered into a long line. I wasn't sure where we were going, there was talk about us going to the local church building to watch the dedication, I was just told to stay close to my Mum. She was following our Bishop and his wife, who were following the stake president and his wife. Our stake president had been praying that members of his stake would be seated in the temple for the dedication.
We approached the temple and saw members of our ward being ushered downstairs. I just assumed we would go the same way; however, when we got towards the front of the line the direction switched and people started getting sent upstairs. We huddled close and followed the people upstairs. We were seated in what looked like a hallway. Excited, we waited for the dedication to begin. Just then an usher approached and asked if there were two people who would like to be seated in the celestial room for the dedication. Two members of our ward were then escorted into the double doors right in front of us. It was then the realization came over those I was with. We weren't just seated in any hallway. We were seated outside the celestial room! Just then we stood up and behind us the elevator doors opened. Stepping out the elevator was President Gordon B. Hinckley and President Thomas S. Monson. I am sure there were others with them but I just can't remember. My eyes were focused on those two men. I couldn't believe I was seeing a prophet of the Lord with my own eyes. Up until that point I had only seen them on TV once every six months. They walked down the aisle on the other side of the room and shook hands
with the two people on the end of each row.  I watched the dedication on a TV they had set up where we were sitting. Then, when it was over, the doors to the celestial room opened and out stepped the Prophet and President Monson. Only this time they were coming down our aisle! I was the third one in the row and so was aware that I would  not be shaking the hand of the prophet, which was fine, I was just in awe that he was standing right there! President Hinckley shook two of my siblings hands and kept walking, I could tell that he was a happy man. Then came President Monson, I remember him stopping and shaking everyone's hands. He was so happy to see youth at the dedication. I felt like I was meeting a celebrity! Although the handshake only lasted a second it has had an unmeasurable impact on my. I will never forget that day when he took those precious seconds out of his time to shake my hand. I have felt the love he has for the primary kids, youth and adults at every General Conference since. I know he loves each of us because I felt it that day, at the dedication. I know with all my heart that President Monson was a true prophet of God. I have loved and sustained him and am so happy that he is reunited with his wife, Francis, again.

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