Monday, January 22, 2018


this year I am reading all the talks President Monson gave in General Conference 
here are my thoughts on the talks he gave in 1974

April 1974
The Paths Jesus Walked

just a quick side note - President Harold B. Lee had passed away and President Spencer W. Kimball was called 

"keep the commandments of God. 
Follow the pathway of the Lord.
Walk in His footsteps."
this sounds really similar to what President Nelson said when he spoke to the members on Tuesday January 16th, 2018. He urged members to "Keep on the covenant path." I love that this church is lead by inspired men who worthily hold the priesthood. I love that themes keep coming back around. Clearly, I need reminding over and over.

"In a very real sense, all can walk where Jesus walked, with words on our lips, his spirit in our hearts, and his teaching in our lives, we journey through mortality." I love that. I love that we can walk where he walked by being as he is. This quote makes me think about the words I say and wonder would these be words the savior said - most of the time probably not. I know I have a lot to work on, but am excited to become more like the savior. 

I also loved the reminder that the savior, although perfect, did not walk perfect paths. "Jesus walked the path of disappointment, temptation, and pain." This is why he can ALWAYS relate to us. He knows exactly how we feel. 

However, he did walk the path of obedience, service, and prayer. We too can and should be walking these paths. 

I love the quote above, "Let us listen for the sound of sandaled feet, let us reach out for the carpenters hand, then we shall come to know him." 
My other favorite quote from this talk is this one, "Jesus changed men. He changed their habits, their opinions, their ambitions. He changed their tempers, their dispositions, their natures. He changed men's hearts." and he continues to do that today. We can become so much more with his help then we ever could on our own. 

October 1974
My Personal Hall of Fame
"We each have a personal hall of fame within us that is "reserved exclusively for the real leaders who have influenced our lives."

In our personal hall of fame should be people from the scriptures. Some of mine would be Esther, Mary (the mother of Jesus) Nephi, Ammon, Abish, Captain Moroni, Joseph Smith, the pioneers.
the list could go on and on
It would also include the savior, of course. Who is the perfect example for us to follow in all aspects of our lives. 
It would also include leaders that I had growing up that instilled in me a love for the gospel. Leaders who made me want to be better. 

If we follow these example we can have their "unwavering trust in an all wise Heavenly Father and an abiding testimony concerning the mission of a divine savior."

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