Saturday, January 13, 2018


this year I am reading all the talks President Monson gave in General Conference 
here are my thoughts on the talks he gave in 1966

April 1966
All Will Live Again

I know that my Redeemer lives!

President Monson begins his talk by mentioning a family who had just lost their five month old baby. I get so sad when I hear about stories like this; however, this family, and all those who lose love ones, will see them again. All will live again. We can find comfort and peace in knowing that. 

"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son" so that we can live again. 

October 1966
The Gift of the Polynesians

I could tell that President Monson had a big place in his heart for the Polynesian people. His entire talk was directed to what we can learn from them. 

He mentioned five gifts that the Polynesians posses that we could learn and benefit from:
the gift of song
the gift of faith
the gift of love
the gift of obedience
and the gift of gratitude

I would love to better develop some of these gifts/attributes. 
President Monson said, "When a Polynesian hears God's prophet speak, he obeys." Period!

He finishes his talk with a gift that was given to all of us - the gift of His only begotten and precious son, Jesus Christ. 
We are so blessed to have this knowledge.

a quick side note - does not have general conference talks before 1971, so I had to find them on a different website.

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