Saturday, January 13, 2018


this year I am reading all the talks President Monson gave in General Conference 
here are my thoughts on the talks he gave in 1965

April 1965
I Was Blind But Now I See

This was a great talk all about spiritual darkness, and I felt like it went well with President Uchtdorf's talk from this past conference entitled, Bearers of Heavenly Light.

President Monson reminded us that we need to use our "spiritual eyesight." We know what our possibilities are in eternities and we need to be doing everything in our power on earth to achieve them! That part of his talk really made me stop and think. He is right! We do know a little about who we can become and we are to use this life to prepare for that time. 

He talked about loving our neighbors (President Monson was a great example in that area.) I loved that he talked about loving our neighbor, but he also mentioned that we need to help them bring their dreams to fulfillment and ambitions to realizations! YES! I LOVE THAT! What a wonderful place the world would be if we were actively engaged in helping others make their dreams a reality. 

October 1965
Seek Christ

Now this talk was phenomenal!
One of my favorites for sure.

In this talk President Monson talks about how "each of us need to undertake a personal search for the Savior." 

If we are going to search for the Savior then we need to make time for him in our lives. President Monson said, "In these busy days there are many who have time to golf, time for shopping, time for work, time to play, but no time for Christ."
If we are going to search for the Savior then we need to make room for him in our hearts. President Monson went on to say, "Lovely homes dot the land and provide rooms for eating, rooms for sleeping, playrooms, sewing rooms, television rooms, but no room for Christ."
That hit me hard! Am I making adequate time, and room, in my life to search for the Savior? I firmly believe that if you really want to do something, reading, skiing, taking a bath, watching TV etc, then you will find the time to do it. I do not want it said of me that I didn't have room for Chirst. 

President Monson made it very clear that "the shepherds of old did seek Jesus the child." On the other hand, "We seek Jesus the Christ, our older brother, our Mediator with the father, our redeemer, the author of our salvation, him who was in the beginning with the father, him who took upon himself the sins of the world and so willingly died that we might forever live. This is the Jesus whom we seek."

If you get a chance to read this talk do it! I loved every word from it. 

a quick side note - does not have general conference talks before 1971, so I had to find them on a different website.

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