Friday, January 12, 2018


this year I am reading all the talks President Monson gave in General Conference
here are my thoughts on the talks he gave in 1964

April 1964

This talk was a great reminder about the peace that comes through prayer. I try so hard to figure things out on my own that I sometimes forget to turn to the Lord in prayer (or it takes me too long to get on my knees.) 

Prayer is powerful. It connects us with the powers of heaven. When life gets hard or we reach a crossroads, we can turn to the Lord for answers, comfort, and direction. 

I love this quote because it is so true! We are tallest when we are upon our knees in humble and sincere prayer.

"Prayer provides power - - - - - spiritual power
prayer provides peace - - - - - spiritual peace"

I loved this talk because one of my goals for this year is to improve my personal prayers. This talk helped me realized I also need to work harder at having a prayer in my heart always.

October 1964

This was the second talk in a row that President Monson refers to the scripture, James 1:5. "If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God." In this talk President Monson was talking about truth, and how we all yearn to know it. Joseph Smith's yearning for truth led him to sacred grove to pray, and we all know how that went. Looking for truth will led to answers.'

"Truth if found by searching, studying, and living the revealed word of God."

President Monson gave us the formula for finding the truth. He said, "We must have a desire to know for ourselves. We must study. We must pray. Lastly, we must do the will of the father." 

This was a really good talk that inspired me to search more diligently for the truth. 

a quick side note - does not have general conference talks before 1971, so I had to find them on a different website.

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