Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Five Ways the Stocktober Challenge Changed the Way I Grocery Shop Forever

The Stocktober Challenge was LIFE-CHANGING!
I know that sounds way over dramatic, which I have a tendency to be, but trust me when I tell you it is the truth. In just over a month, I have gone from having nothing in my stockpile to having a jam-packed freezer and a fully stocked pantry. All thanks to the Jordan Page's Stocktober challenge. 

if you have no idea what the stocktober challenge was first you need to follow Jordan page at fun cheap or free and second you need to click here to read all about it

My dream has always been to have a stockpile of food and non perishable items. I have watched every video and read every blog post about growing a stock pile, but felt like non of them truly address how to get started and stay within your budget. I couldn't figure out how to take my humble grocery budget and use it to feed my family AND build a stock pile. There just wasn't enough money left over after I had purchased the things I needed for the week. In fact, sometimes there wasn't enough money to get everything I thought I needed.

So, how was I able to stockpile and stick to my weekly grocery budget?
Answer - The Stocktober challenge.
 It allowed me to feed my family AND, little by little, grow my stockpile.
It truly was an answer to prayer.

Here are five simple ways my grocery shopping has changed since stocktober:

1. MENU PLANNING - before stocktober, I would decide what I wanted to eat, write down what I needed, then head to the store. I would then fill my pantry, fridge, and freezer with the items purchased for the upcoming week. By the end of the week my pantry, fridge, and freezer would be completely empty. It was so frustrating to see an bare pantry. Now, however, I look through my freezer and see what meat options I have. I check my fridge for produce that needs to be used, and I see what I have an excess of in my pantry. I then sit down and plan meals based on what I already have. I also check to see what items I running low on and need to restock.
This has allowed me to use less of my budget on my weekly groceries and more of my budget on stocking up on sale items.

2. KNOWING ITEM PRICES- before stocktober, I was restricted to buying everything on my list regardless of its price because I needed it now. I was left powerless and was obligated to pay what the store wanted. Now, however, I decide if something is worth buying based on its price tag. I feel a lot more in control of my grocery shopping. I now have the power of the price instead of the price having the power of me (yeah that was probably a tad bit dramatic but you get my drift.) 

3. TIME TO STOCK UP - Now that I know my prices, I can stock up when I see a great deal. Last week, I arrived at the store to see all the meat marked down to ridiculously low prices. Although I hadn't gone to the store for meat I knew those were insanely great prices, so I stocked up! When I see a great stock up price, I don't buy two of three of that item no no no, I buy anywhere from 10 - 20 of that item. This way I have enough to last me until another amazing sale comes. 
- Caution - make sure you are aware of the used by date on your items. -

4. SLOW AND STEADY One reason I was so overwhelmed with where to begin, was I thought I had to get everything in one shopping trip.  stocktober taught me that little by little, week by week, your stockpile will grow. The first week of the stocktober challenge was extremely difficult. However, I decided to buy an extra pack of chicken breasts, and ingredients to make two meals worth of chili instead of just one. Little by little, I have seen my pantry and freezer fill with food. 

5. HOMEMADE ALWAYS TASTES BETTER - I decided that if I could make it myself then I would. Not only has this saved me money, but it has ignited a love for baking that I didn't know was there. I also have my girls help, and we get to talk and laugh and hang out together. We have made pizza crust, cinnamon rolls, dinner rolls, muffins, brownies, and bread. It is A LOT more work (can't deny that,) but it is also A LOT more fun!

It is amazing how one challenge, that I debated about even doing, has completely changed how I shop and bonus has kept me on budget every week. 

I am loving watching my stockpile grow!

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