Friday, September 29, 2017

Conference Store - A Fun Idea To Help Kids Stay Reverent During General Conference

My sister gave me the idea to do a general conference store. During conference the kids gain "money" that they can use later in the store. There are so many cute ideas for this store and I will link them on pinterest here

Our kids gained money for being reverent and completing their conference packet (which had coloring pages, hidden pictures, bingo and other stuff I found online.)

Your kids will love it!

Our Pre-Conference Tradition!

Last April 2016, the girls and I came to Utah to visit Aaron (who was already working up here, but we hadn't officially moved there yet.) We were sitting in our hotel room, the Thursday night before conference, not doing much when we decided to go into Salt Lake City. I had never been before and was itching to go see the temple. While we were walking around the temple grounds, an older missionary couple approached us and told us that the choir is practicing in the Conference Center tonight. We headed over there and watched them practice for a little bit. It was so exciting to be listening to the choir in the conference center (something I had never done before.) Then we stopped at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and got hot chocolate (for Aaron and myself,) and chocolate bears (for the girls). When the October 2016 conference came around we decided to head into Salt Lake the Thursday before and do the same thing.
And that is how our pre-conference tradition began! 

This was the first time we back carried Beck in the ergo. There was a lot of readjustments to ensure he was in correctly and comfortably.

My favorite kind of weather! 

This was the first time the girls, Beck and I had been inside The Tabernacle. It was simple yet stunning. Those organ pipes were insane.

We arrived at The Conference Center earlier than usual, so the girls were able to hang out in front of the fountain for a little bit. 

It is so fun to watch the choir practice. The conductor has a microphone so you are able to hear all his critics, tweaks, and jokes.

The temple at night, with all the lights on, is so breathtakingly beautiful.

Hannah picked a chocolate hot air balloon and Lilly picked a chocolate teddy bear.

We love this tradition!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

5 lessons I learned from reading the general conference talks a second time around

After every General Conference concludes, I always set the goal to read the talks before the next conference begins. That gives me six months to read approximately 35-40 talks. I have failed all but one time . A couple years ago I managed to read all the talks from conference.  Yes, I waited till a month before the next conference began to read them. Yes, I had to double and triple up on talks in a day to finish. But, I did it and it felt awesome. I still have my notebook I used that one time, and feel a great sense of pride every time I stumble upon it. This time I was determined to not only read all the talks, but to do it before crunch time (mid September.) I decided that if I read one talk after my daily (almost daily) scripture reading, then I would get through the talks pretty quickly. Guess what? I did
get through them quickly. In fact, the summer hadn't even officially began yet and I was all done. It was a great accomplishment but also left me wondering now what? I still had two and a half months before the October Conference began. I had a lot of different ideas but ultimately, I decided to go back and reread each talk. Maybe there was something I missed or maybe I would find a new favorite. It seemed to be a lot more difficult to get through all the talks (summer is pretty busy,) but with just a week before the new session of conference begins I finished! I have read all the talks for a second time, and here is what I learned: 

1. You get way more out of them a second time around
With every talk I reread, new insights literally (okay maybe not literally, but that is how it felt) jumped of the page. It felt, at times, that I was reading the talk for the first time. I would ask myself over and over, "How did I miss that?" or "Wow, that talk was even more amazing then I remember!"  I took a lot more notes the second time around (side not: invest in a good pen and notebook.)

2. You are much more prepared for the 4th Sunday lesson
The 4th Sunday lessons in Relief Society and Priesthood are based around a talk from the most recent general conference (this means some talks I have actually read three times!) Because I had already read, pondered, and put in to place ideas from the talk being discussed, I felt more able to bring my own personal insights to the lesson. I always felt that I was able to learn, more openly, from the insights of others. Truly listening to how others felt about the a talk I had loved was a real testimony builder. 

3. The Holy Ghost is critical when you study
I could read and reread those talks all day long and not learn anything. Sure I would think they were nice talks with good points but they wouldn't feel very relevant to my life at this time. However, with the power of the Holy Ghost, I was able to be guided to the things Heavenly Father wanted me to know. While reading and rereading, I was able to feel the quiet whispering of the Holy Ghost testifying the truthfulness of the words being shared. The talks became much more personal, as if they were written just for me and my family.

4. It is a great way to start the day
I decided to read the talks first thing in the morning before my kids woke up. This would ensure I had a quiet space for reading. I would then go about my day as usual. Making breakfast, getting kids ready, running errands and a million other things we need to get done each day. However, I found that at random times throughout the day, a new thought or insight would enter my mind. Something I hadn't thought about while I was reading it. I would also spend any free time (usually in the pick up line for school) to find other talks or videos that related to that particular talk I had read that day. This meant more time with the gospel and less time with the drama of social media. 

5. New favorites emerged
I should clarify that I loved all the talks, but there were a few that really stood out. If I hadn't of gone back and reread all the talks, these hidden gems would never have been able to make such an incredible impact on my life. For example, I loved the talk, Whatsoever He Saith Unto You Do It by Elder Whitney L. Clayton. It was one of my favorites, however, when I read it again, I was blown away with how much more I learnt from it. I was so filled with the Holy Ghost that I made an entire blog post dedicated to that talk (click here to read it.)  I am so grateful I went back and reread all of the talks and not just one or two that had loved the first time around. 

I urge each of you to watch conference, then read the conference talks and if possible go back and reread them. I know you will be lead and guided by the Holy Ghost each time you do. New insights will aid you in your life to overcome trials or simply enjoy the good time more fully.

to learn more about general conference click here

Monday, September 25, 2017

Motivational Monday #32

I loved this quote from the general women's session of conference (if you would like to watch or read it click here.) It is a great reminder to stay focused on those things that actually matter in life. What things matter to you? I know snuggles with my baby won't last. Every day he looks more like a toddler than my baby. I know cuddles and kisses and quiet time with him matter. My girls love playing Ladybug Girl and Cat Noir. They always want me to be the bad girl, Lady Wifi. I have so many other things I would rather do, but I know playing with my girls matter. So I will take some time away from laundry, cleaning, or simply relaxing on the couch to chase two very giggly and happy girls. I couldn't care at all about fantasy football, however, my husband loves to tell me how his league is going and how well, or not well, his players are doing. When he starts telling me about it, I will sigh, roll my eyes and then start to half heartedly listen. Then the spirit reminds me that it isn't what he is talking about but the fact that we are talking, listening, communicating. Fantasy football doesn't matter, but my relationship with my spouse does!
Memories with my family not material possessions matter to me. I need to be better at creating memories even if those memories are reenacting a favorite TV show, getting soaked while my baby splashes in the bathtub or watching football with my husband. I need to slow down and focus more on those things that matter and that will last into eternity.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

General Women's Session - posters and rough notes

I was sitting in my stake center surrounded by women, but it felt like each talk was specifically wrote and presented just for me. I needed to hear everything that was said. 

here are my notes 
(these are quick notes and not word for word from the speakers)

Sister Eubank

- be righteous
develop an inner relationship with God

- be articulate
about the reasons for our faith
use you voice and power (social media)
share what Jesus Christ means to you

- be different 
innovation and creation are spiritual gifts

- be distinct
practice living the gospel

-do all the above in happy ways

build and lift others
energy that comes from happiness
put yourself in a place where you can feel Heavenly Father's love

Sister Marriott

How are we going to accept His invitation to draw near unto Him?

here to learn and grow
love and power will come


-priority sifting

draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you
doctrine and covenants 88:63

we are divinely designed to give love and be loved and the deepest love comes when we are one with God

when we give our heart to the Father and the Son, we change our world

Sister Joy D. Jones

When I found the gospel I found me

don't ever think you are nothing

seek to become like the saviour

truly knowing you are a daughter of God  will effect every aspect of your life. 

worth and worthiness are not the same thing.
spiritual worth - value yourself as father in heaven values you

do not compare your worst with someones best
comparission is the thief of joy

savor the sweet feelings of the holy ghost
remove the distractions of the world and seek him

stop focusing on negative thoughts
don't forget or doubt who you are

be faithful in Christ and let the saviour life us up

President Uchtdorf

do not surrender your happiness to anyone

remember who you are!

fear not - Christ will find you and lift you up

you have an eternal destiny to fulfill
make it a reality

we are responsible for our own discipleships
love your enemies
follow christ and His teachings


remember Lehi's dream and stay on the path and never let go!
God's promises are true

choose the path of discipleship
it will require all you have
you will look back with gratitude

you have the power

rejoice that you are a daughter of God


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Hunting for Witches at Gardner Village!

This was our first year hunting witches at Gardner village. The kids had a blast and bonus - if you find all the witches you get a free cookie!!

So fun having cousins close to do these kind of activities with, and thank you to my sister, courtney, for taking the pictures.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Seven Year Anniversary

On Sunday, Aaron and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary. We spent the day, inside our cozy little apartment, caring for our three unwell kids. Aaron watched some football and I read and browsed around on Pinterest (do people still use Pinterest?) I also had a lot of time to think and reflect on these past seven years. When I got married, I had this idea in my mind that our wedding day was the start of my happily ever after. I thought I would live every day in a state of matrimony bliss. However, our new life together didn't start out as perfectly as I imagined. In fact, it was the hardest, saddest, and most stressful time of my life. Aaron and I just weren't in sync. I was surprised when we made it to our first wedding anniversary, even more shocked we made it to our second. There were many discussions about ending it and parting our separate ways but we never ended up going through with it. Somewhere, deep down we both felt a mutual love and respect for each other. We both wanted to raise our children in a home where mother and father were present.
In the military, Aaron and I had ample opportunities to be apart from one another. During these times apart you live by one of two sayings, the first is out of sight out of mind or the second which is distance makes the heart grow stronger. Fortunately, for us, distance definitely made our hearts grow stronger. Over the next three years we learnt that marriage was work . . . . a lot of work. It also involved a lot of patience forgiveness, understanding, listening, and service. There were still plenty of bumps in the road, but we managed get over them together.
I learnt to lean on and rely on my father in heaven for strength, comfort, and guidance. I became an independent, strong, and confident woman because I knew, no matter what happened, that I was a daughter of my Heavenly Father and that He loved me!
Now, seven years and three kids later, I can honestly say that I am living my happily ever after. I am once again married to the man of my dreams. He works hard to provide us with a good and happy life. I fell in love with Aaron's sense of humor, he was and still is the funniest person I have ever met. He keeps me laughing everyday even when I don't want to. He is way more handsome then when we first met (guys tend to get more handsome as time goes on which isn't fair.) He is still that smart, caring, and strong man that I fell in love with all those years ago. He has been my rock and my protector. Life without him just wouldn't be much fun. I am so happy that we made it through those hard years, and built a stronger foundation for our marriage. There will still be bumps along the way, but I know that together we can cruise right over them. We are truly living our dream one day at a time.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Motivational Monday #31

I heard this quote while watching a Ted Talk on Youtube. In this talk, the speaker said this quote. It was one of those stop and frantically search find a random piece of paper so you can write it down before you forget it. This quote has been stuck in my head all weekend. I know, for me personally, that I needed this simple reminder. 
Sometimes in life we are so busy waiting for the next big thing to happen in our lives that we forget (or maybe it is just me) that today matters too . It is like that quote about not wishing away your days for better ones to come. Start creating your life today. Do those things you love today. Be content with the things you have now! In time you will look back and see you were already living your dream.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Visiting Teaching Message and Handout - September 2017

you are welcome to use these handouts for visiting teaching
to print simply click on the image to enlarge it, right click to save as and print

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...