Thursday, July 13, 2017

Women in the Scriptures : Lamanite Queen who Marries Amalickiah

Book of Mormon

Lamanite Queen who Marries Amalickiah

Alma 47:32-35; 52:12

34 - "and it came to pass that Amalickiah took the same servant that slew the king, and all them who were with him, and went in unto the queen, unto the place where she sat; and they all testified unto her that the king was slain by his own servants; and they said also: They have fled; does not this testify against them? And thus they satisfied the queen concerning the death of the king."

This has been a difficult story to read, digest, and then try to learn something from. I want to yell at her not to marry such an evil man!

 I had to take a step back and TRY to see things from her perspective. She, like all the other Lamanites, did not know about Amalickiah's grand plan. This was a man, an evil man, who had an end goal, and he knew exactly how to get there. The King, Lehonti, and the King's servants played their parts perfectly. Amalickiah was a man who knew exactly what to say to get people to do exactly what he wanted. He used flattering words, and cunning devices. He was subtle in his wickedness, and was only looking out for himself. He let other's believe they were in control, and then, in their foolishness, would eliminate them. 

I do wonder if she knew something wasn't right when she asked Amalickiah to bring witnesses to testify about the events surrounding the King's murder? It seemed odd that the King's own servants would wait till that very moment to kill him. In the end Amalickiah, fooled her into getting what he wanted just like he had everyone else. 

I think this is why it is so important to have the Holy Ghost constantly in our lives. To warn us, guide us, and strengthen us. If someone is trying to persuade us to do things that do not align with the teachings of the gospel, we need to get away from them immediately! If we are in tune with the spirit, we will be able to recognize their cunning and subtle plans. We can not let our guard down because, if we allow them, they will drag us further and further away from the Lord, Jesus Christ, and His gospel.

Other Questions
Did she love the King? Was she upset when he was killed? Was marrying Amalickiah the only way to stay Queen?

these are my own opinions

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