Sunday, July 16, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Women of the City Bountiful

Book of Mormon

Women of the City Bountiful

Alma 53:7

"and it came to pass that he did no more attempt a battle with the Lamanites in that year, but he did employ his men in preparing for war, yea, and in making fortifications to guard against the Lamanites, yea, and also delivering their women and their children from famine and affliction, and providing food for their armies."

Today while sitting in Sunday School class, I was thinking about how women supported themselves and their children while there husbands were serving missions. The teacher briefly mentioned the law of consecration, and I suspect the other members took care of them. I know, that while my husband was deployed, my home teacher and his wife never missed a month. They always asked how I was doing and if I needed anything. Members of the ward would also invite me over for dinner or randomly send a text to see how I was doing. I also had great support from my family and friend. It bought my husband a lot of comfort knowing I was being taken care of.

I had the same thought today while reading Alma 53. How did these women support themselves, and their children, while their husbands were at war? Did they have each other to rely on? These were difficult times for these women, I know they had to be strong physically and mentally to endure all that they went through. 

I am grateful Captain Moroni had his men take time to care for their families, even though war was still a very big possibility. After all one of the things they were fighting for was their women and children. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for the men knowing their wives and children were suffering so greatly back home. 

One thing we must always remember is the Lord will never forget us. He is aware of us and our trials, worries, and fears. He will not leave us, and will continue to bless us. We must continue to call on Him in prayer, and express to Him all that we are feeling. I know the Lord, through the power of the Holy Ghost, can strengthen us, and help us through whatever our trials may be.

to learn more about the women in the scripture challenge click here
these are my own thoughts and opinions
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