Sunday, July 2, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge: Women led away by Korihor

Book of Mormon

Women led away by Korihor

Alma 30:18

18 - And thus he did preach unto them, leading away the hearts of many, causing them to lift up their heads in wickedness, yea, leading away many women, and also many men, to commit whoredoms - telling them that when a man was dead, that was the end thereof. 

Korihor - antichrist

A couple questions keep entering my mind as I read about these "many women" who were led away by Korihor. Those questions are, why was Korihor able to pull them away from the Lord? What were these "many women" doing or not doing in their life that made Korihor's lies so enticing?

Korihor's lies included: not being able to know something is true unless you can see it. There is no such thing as sin. We prosper by our own efforts. We can't know about things that will happen. Don't believe in Christ. There is no sin in the choices we make. No life after death. 

 Why were people swayed? I think they lacked a strong testimony of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Helaman 5:12 states, "It is upon the rock of our redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation (testimony.)" Having this foundation is critical if in the fight against Satan and his followers. The scriptures go on to say that if our testimonies are centered in Christ, and His gospel, then the devil shall have no power over us. 

How do we build this testimony? We must communicate with our Heavenly Father in prayer. We must study the scriptures, and talks from general conference. We must reverently and humbly partake of the sacrament. We must serve each other with love and kindness. We must strive to do what is right, and keep the commandments. By doing this, we will not only strengthen our foundation (testimony,) but we will continually be building upon it. 

Satan knows us, and he wants us to be miserable. He will continually try to snare us into his trap. He will leave us in our time of need because he doesn't care about us at all. If we allow him to entice us, we will move further and further from the Lord. Then will we become like these "many women" that we read about.

One talk from this past General Conference that I really enjoyed is entitled, Certain Women by Linda K. Burton. In that talk, Sister Burton explains that certain women are, "centered in the Savior, Jesus Christ. Certain women are willing to make sacrifices, and certain women remember Christ." We can be the certain women today. We can partner with Christ. We can be like the people of Ammon, who would not give heed to Korihor's lies. 

Chapter 30 goes on to say that "all were convinced of the wickedness of Korihor; therefore they were all converted again unto the Lord."  The atonement of Jesus Christ is  real. We can repent and turn back to the Lord. In fact, He is waiting, with love, to forgive us.

these are my own thoughts and opinions 

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