Thursday, July 20, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Wives of the 10,000 Nephite Soldiers at the City of Judea

Book of Mormon

Wives of the 10,000 Nephite Soldiers at the City of Judea

Alma 56:28

"and also there were sent two thousand men, unto us from the land of Zarahemla. And thus we were prepared with ten thousand men, and provisions for them, and also for their wives and their children."

If you read too fast, you might miss this one. I have found that a lot of women in the Book of Mormon are easy to glance over because they seem to just be thrown in here and there. However, since starting this challenge, I have come to know that all the women mentioned are in the Book of Mormon for a specific reason. We can learn something from all of them. 

As I was thinking about these women who received these provisions, it hit me. The wars were being fought in their cities. It was being won or lost right outside their homes, on their doorsteps. I can't imagine how scary that must have been. It must have been such a relief to see so many soldiers arrive to help, and also to get provisions. 

Today, the fight is still on our doorsteps. It might not be a physical fight, but it is just, if not more, dangerous. The devil is trying again and again to break down our defenses. He comes at us through the media we watch, the music we listen to, and the games we play. Our houses must become a safe haven from the world. A place where the spirit can dwell, and love is present. 

Questions to ask the wives of the nephite soldiers
*How close were you to the fighting?
*How did you prepare for war? Spiritually?

these are my own thoughts and opinions

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