Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Isabel

Book of Mormon


Alma 39: 3-4

So there is another named woman in the Book of Mormon, however, I wouldn't want to be associated with her. The scriptures describe her as a "harlot" who "did steal away the hearts of many."

A couple questions kept running through my mind as I read about her
1. Why would Alma mention her by name?
2. What am I suppose to learn from this?

Isabel was tempting enough for Corianton to "forsake the ministry" and go after her. We know from verse four that in the sight of the Lord this was abominable above all sins save it be shedding of innocent blood or denying the Holy Ghost. 
Alma didn't care that she had led many away. Corianton should have known better, he should have been stronger. 

I have learned a couple things from Isabel. One, do not lead others away from the church, and two, it is so important to be aware of the temptations that are pulling me away from the gospel. Isabel led Corianton away, I don't see myself being led away by a harlot, but what sins am I guilty of committing that do lead me away?
Do I allow my favorite TV show to pull me away from scripture study or time with my family? Do I miss church now and then because other things, like a family get together for example, is also on a Sunday? For some it may be a word of wisdom problem, for others it could be pornography. I know many girls who struggles with simply dressing modestly. Each of us have different temptations because Satan caters to our individual weaknesses. He knows us, and is constantly striving to pull us further and further away.

Alma says in verse 11, "Suffer not yourself to be led away by any vain or foolish thing; suffer not the devil to lead away your heart again after those wicked harlots (or whatever sin may be dragging you down.)"

To overcome these weaknesses, we must turn to Christ. He is the light and the way back to eternal life. He has the power to change us.

remember "wickedness never was happiness."
When we follow Christ we will be happy.

these are my own personal opinions

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