Friday, July 7, 2017

My Definition of Minimalism

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines minimalism as : A style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme sparness and simplicity

I prefer The Minimalist definition which says : "Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom from worry. Freedom from overwhelm. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from the trappings of a consumer culture we have built our lives around. Real Freedom."

For me, minimalism is learning about the art of contentment, and the power of living a more positive life. It is getting rid of those things which overwhelm me, and keep me from my goals and dreams in life. 

When people find out I am a minimalist, they usually reply with something like, "I couldn't do that" or "I like my things." I also envisioned white walls, furniture, and table when I thought of minimalism. I thought the people who practiced minimalism were weird and had absolutely no possessions (if this is the lifestyle you want to live then that is awesome.) However, by generalizing minimalism like this, I missed the point entirely. 

Minimalism is a personal journey with no boundaries. You decided what minimalism is and how it can be incorporated into your life. I encourage you to do some research into minimalism, and hopefully, you will be just as inspired as I was.

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