Saturday, July 1, 2017

Monthly Favorites - June 2017

here are a list of all my favorite things I have been enjoying this past month

Books : In June I finally finished reading, Beloved Emma : The Illustrated Life Story of Emma Smith. I really enjoyed learning more about her life, and the things that she went through. She really went through more than anyone needs to in a lifetime. I will be writing an individual post all about it really soon.

T.V Shows : Besides the usual Everybody Loves Raymond Replays, my husband introduced me to a show called Impractical Jokers. I love this show! It is about four lifelong friends who compete in different hidden camera pranks. For instance, in one challenge each guy had to take turns getting a member of the public to help them bury something. The catch was they
had no idea what they were burying. If they couldn't find a member of the public to help them they lost. At the end of the episode there is one overall loser. That person then has to do a punishment challenge that other the guys thought up. Just go watch it cause it is hilarious! It plays most days on TruTv

Movies : There has been only one movie playing in my house this past month, and that has been Beauty and the Beast. I love everything about this movie, the music,
the actors, the costumes and so on. I love that I can watch it on my own, and with my kids.
My family is probably tired of hearing me sing the songs, but I don't care.

Music : I have literally been listening non stop to The Beauty and the Beast soundtrack. Love it!

Website : I recently got back into doing The Women in the Scriptures Challenge. Heather's website is
a great reference. She has listed out all the women named, unnamed, and referenced in the Old and New Testament, and the Book of Mormon. Since restarting this challenge, I have seen an increase in my desire to study the scriptures, and learn about all these women.

Youtuber : I have been subscribed to Aileen with Lavendaire for years; however, lately I have been loving the videos she has been putting out. The video about the Law of Attraction was amazing! It has inspired and motivated me to refocused my goals, and work hard to get whatever I want from life.

Youtube Video/Podcast : Taming Technology in the Home. This half hour video was extremely eye opening. It discusses the dangers of constant technology in our homes, and some great alternatives to tame it.

Quote : "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals". Zig Ziglar

Random Stuff :

Bath and Body Works Products. They smell amazing! My favorite are the island margarita candle, Maui mango
mai tai foaming hand soap, and the lavender and apricot body cream.
I have the Maui mango mai tai (gosh that is a mouthful) foaming hand soap in a candle as well. I love these fruity smells. They smell so fresh and make the house, and me smell so sweet!

Becoming Minimalist : This is a page I like on Facebook, and it shares inspirational quotes and articles to inspire minimalism. I encourage anyone looking to de-clutter all aspects of their life to go and check it out.

and that is it!
Let me know what some of your favorites from this past month were.

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