Monday, July 3, 2017

Mid Year Review - Goals

I was inspired by Lavendaire's video, Mid-Year Review 2017, to evaluate the first half of the year, and the progress (if any) I have made.
click here to see my 2017 goals

#1. What have I accomplished so far that I am proud of? 
I am proud of the improvements I have made with my scripture study. As I have made the commitment to read from them everyday, I have seen an increase of knowledge, presence of the Holy Ghost in my life, and greater desire to keep learning. 
I am also proud of the progress made in my goal to be more positive. My first reaction to any situation is to go straight to the negative, and all the bad things that could happen. I have been doing some research into the power of positive thinking (click here to see my favorite video,) and the effects it has on the quality of life. I have been doing really well at changing these negative thoughts into positive ones. It is a challenge, and I still struggle, but I have already seen the benefits of positive thinking.
The last thing I am proud of, is eliminating excess stuff for quicker clean up time. A wonderful thing happens when you are brave enough to get rid of excess stuff in your house which is not feeling so overwhelmed. My house looks cleaner and I feel more motivated and inspired in my house. 

#2. Does this year feel aligned to my yearly theme so far? What can I do to live my theme more fully?
I do not feel that this year has fully aligned yet with my yearly theme.
To live my theme more fully, I will do monthly evaluations and goals.This way I can stay on top of my goals, and order of priorities. 

#3. What were my goals for this year? Let's be real - what can I eliminate or change to feel better about my goals?
I didn't have any specific goals this year. I had my word of the year which was eliminate, and then
sub categories of things I wanted to eliminate from my life. 
*clutter - I am doing really well with this one. I have eliminated all the excess clutter in my living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, and girl's bedroom. Even more impressive, I have not let clutter back into those rooms! Going forward I want to tackle, my bedroom and closet, bathroom, garage, and storage room.
*debt - I have failed (so far) at this one. Going forward I am going to commit to double my credit card payment, and then (once it is paid off) roll it into my car payment.
*distractions - I am doing. . . OK with this one, but going forward I want to use less social media, and watch less TV (impractical jokers!)
*Stress/worry - I am killing this one! This is where positive thinking has really helped me. I love that my first reaction isn't to stress or worry, but to look for the positive and feed of that. Going forward I want to continue to learn about how to deal with stress and worry, and learn more about the impact of positive thinking. 
*Negativity - again I am doing really well with this one. I have had some pretty trying times this year, and can look back with a smile on how much being positive has helped me through.
*Procrastination - I'll get back to you on this one :)
*Baby Weight - Oh boy! I never thought it would be this hard to lose the weight. Going forward I want to commit to making healthier meals, and walking for thirty minutes a day. 
*Junk Food - again recommitting myself to do better.
*Unnecessary Purchases - I am doing pretty good with this one as well. Moving forward I want to eliminate buying any and all fast food (but not chick-fil-a!) 

I have also thought of some more goals that I want to tackle over the next six months:
-establish a morning routine
-read two books a month
-grow my blog and YouTube channel
-more one on one time with the kids and my husband (date night)
-see all the temples in Utah
-have a pamper day or night once a month

#4. What are my top three priorities for the next three months
1. eliminate as much debt as I can
2. establish a morning routine
3. be more productive

and that is it!
I am excited to see how the next six months go

let me know what some of your goals are and how you are doing with them

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