Monday, July 31, 2017

Motivational Monday #29

love this quote!
It has taken me way too long to do the things I love because I was so worried about what others would think. Life is way too short to not be pursuing the things you love

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Wives and Daughters of the 5,400 Nephites Who Migrated Northward

Book of Mormon

Wives and Daughters of the 5,400 Nephites Who Migrated Northward

Alma 63:4-10

4 - "and it came to pass that in the thirty and seventh year of the reign of the judges, the re was a large company of men, even to the amount of five thousand and four hundred men, with their wives and their children, departed out of the land of Zarahemla into the land which was northward."

I have to admit that it was nice to read something else besides hatred and bloodshed. After years of terrible and heartbreaking war between the Lamanites and the Nephites, finally some peace. I wonder if people were excited and even anxious to get out of there current situation in Zarahemla. Sometimes a change of scenery and a fresh start can be good. Maybe this is what I would have wanted. I probably would have jumped at the chance to explore new lands. 

I do wonder how people were chosen to leave? Did they volunteer? Did they pick specific people to be leaders? Where did they go? What happened to them?

President David O McKay in his dedicatory prayer for the Hamilton, New Zealand Temple said,  "We express gratitude that to these fertile Islands Thou didst guide descendants of Father Lehi, and hast enabled them to prosper."
and Spencer W. Kimball said, "It is reasonable to conclude that Hagoth and his associates were about nineteen centuries on the islands, from about 55 BC to 1854 before the gospel began to reach them. They had lost all the plain and precious things which the Savior brought to the earth, for they were likely on the islands when the Christ was born in Jerusalem."

I am really quite interested in learning more about these people, and will be doing more research when I have more time 
these are my own thoughts and opinions 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

My Notes From The Secret

My (very rough) notes I took while reading The Secret.
There is no order or reason to these notes just wrote down parts of the books I liked and want to use as a reference for future posts

*like attracts like
*everything begins with your thoughts
*our job as humans is to hold onto the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want. . . . you become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most. John Assaraf
*if you want to change anything in your life - change your thoughts
*attract the good instead of the bad

- Challenge : listen to your thoughts - really listen - and listen to the words you say - are they negative? positive? are they helping you reach your dreams?

*you create your life through your thoughts
*make the last thought before you fall asleep a good thought
*if you are complaining. The law of attraction will bring you more things to complain about
*you reap what you sew

the power of your mind
*this is a universe of inclusion
*learn to quiet your mind
*decide what you want to be, do, and have. think the thoughts of it, emit the frequency, and your vision will become your life
*your feelings are your greatest tool to help you create your life
*it is impossible to feel bad and have good thoughts
*if you are feeling good, it is because you are thinking good thoughts
*you have the power to change anything because you are the one who chooses your thoughts and you are the one who feels your feelings
*you create your own universe as you go along. Winston Churchill

- Challenge : make a list of some secret shifters. Things that can change your feelings in a snap
beautiful memories
future events
funny moments
a person you love
your favorite music
then if you find yourself angry or frustrated or not feeling good, turn to your secret shifters list and focus on one of them. If it isn't working go to another. Should only take a minute or two

*love is the greatest emotion
*you cannot harm another with your thoughts, you can only harm you

life is so easy
life is good
all things come to me'

*you create your life

the creative process
#1. Ask
- Challenge : what do you really want? Sit down and write out on a piece of paper. write it in present tense. and then explain how you want your life to be in every area
*just ask once and have faith
#2. Believe
*believe that it is already yours
#3. Receive
*begin to feel wonderful about it
*feel the way you will feel once it arrives
*feel it now!

*feel good now!
*inspired action is acting to receive
*trust your instincts
*think things into being
*trust, believe, and have faith
*you don't have to see the whole staircase. just take the first step. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
*expect great things and as you do, you will create your life in advance
*when you want to change your circumstances, you must first change your thinking
*expectation is a powerful attractive force because it draws things to you

The powerful process of gratitude
- Challenge : make a list of things you are grateful for
*gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life. Marci Shimoff
*you are the creator of your life, and so begin by intentionally creating your day.
*be grateful for what you have now

The powerful process of visualization
*as you create pictures in your mind of seeing yourself with what it is you want, you are generating thoughts and feelings of having it now

The powerful process of action
- Challenge : make a vision board
*imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. Albert Einstein

The secret to money
*you most focus on the abundance of money to bring that to you
attract abundance
*think more thoughts of abundance then of lack, and you have tipped the balance
focus on prosperity
*find a way that works for you to focus on prosperity
*success comes from within, not from without. Ralph Waldo Emeson
*give money to get money

inner peace
inner joy
inner vision

*set your thoughts and frequency on happiness - radiate these feelings

The secret to relationships
*think about what you have asked for, and make sure that your actions are mirroring what you expect to receive, and not contradicting
*make room to receive your desires, and as you do, you are sending out that powerful signal of expectation
*unless you fill yourself up first, you have nothing to give anybody
*think about all the wonderful things about you
- Challenge : make a list about all the wonderful things about you
*if you are having a hard time in a relationship think about and write for thirty days all the things you appreciate about them and the reasons why you love them
*your ability to generate feelings of love is unlimited

The secret to health
*start thinking happy thoughts and be happy
*laughter is the best medicine

The secret to the world
*you cannot help the world by focusing on negative things
*you are the master of your life
*nothing is limited
*there are no limits to what you can create for you, because your ability to think is unlimited

The secret to you
*use your wonderful imagination
*become a creative mind. focus on your dreams, your visions, and take all competition out of the equation
*you are not your past
*you are the only one who can create the life you deserve. as you deliberately focus on what you want, as you begin to radiate good feelings the law of attraction will respond.
*you are the designer of your own destiny. you are the author. you write the story. the pen is in your hand, and the outcome is whatever you choose. Lisa Nichols
*use I am instead of I am not

I am receiving every good thing
I am happy
I am abundant
I am healthy
I am love
I am always on time
I am eternal youth
I am filled with energy every single day
I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy

*you can do anything you want. you are a genius beyond description, so start telling yourself that and become aware of who you really are
*be aware of your thoughts
*everything we want, whatever it may be, is motivated by love

The secret to life
*find your joy and live it
*do the things that you love and that bring you joy
*follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls. Joseph Campbell
*embrace your magnificence
*you are the master of your universe. you are the heir to the kingdom. you are the perfection of life

How We Ended Up In Utah

"What brought you to Utah?" This is a question I get asked all the time which is normal when you go to a new place. I always answer with, "My husband got a job up here as a realtor." It's not a lie, however, the most honest answer would be, "The Lord wanted us here."

When my husband was on deployment, he submitted his papers for re-enlistment. We had prayed about it and felt good about our decision. The military was a good life for us. They provided us with a house, health insurance, and the opportunity to see new places. We also knew that twice a month, every month, we would receive a paycheck. As an independent wife raising an independent little girl, life was good. Our plan was to stay in the military for twenty years, then Aaron would retire and we would move onto the next phase of our life. 
We were aware that the competition for re-enlistment was pretty steep because there were about eleven marines going for three or four spots. We weren't worried and neither was anyone else. In November 2014, we found out Aaron was not chosen for re-enlistment. We were devastated. We couldn't figure out what had happened. Our plans for the next fifteen years of our lives were gone. It took a long time to really soak in the news, and be ok with it. After a lot of thought and prayer, we decided that Aaron would join The California Highway Patrol (CHP.)

In June 2015, we said goodbye to the marine corps, moved in with my parents, and began the CHP application process. 
The application for the CHP can take anywhere from eighteen months to two years, and involves a physical and written test, background checks, tons of paperwork, interviews and more. We were told the written test was the hardest part, so when Aaron passed it, we were pretty darn excited. We had moved in with my parents to save money, and because boot camp would be six months. It would be nice to be surrounded by family while Aaron would be gone for that long. In November 2015, a year after we found out we would not be re-enlisting, Aaron was dropped from the CHP hiring process. They gave no reason for as to why. They thanked him for his application and that was it. We thought we were devastated before, this just about broke us. We could not understand what was happening. We were confused, upset, and completely lost. Aaron and I felt stuck in life. His current job, at the bank, would not support our little family. We felt that our only option was to enlist with the Army. Aaron spoke to a recruiter and was ready to sign the paperwork when I randomly mentioned to him that I didn't want to go back to military life (once you are out, it is hard to go back.) Instead, I wanted to move to Utah. 

I have no idea why I wanted to move to Utah. The only part I had been to was Zion's National Park, but it felt right. I had seen pictures and videos about Utah, and it looked beautiful. That night Aaron went on his computer and applied for a sales job. He got a call the next day for an interview, and later that week drove up to Utah, interviewed, and got the job. At the end of February 2016, we sent Aaron off to Utah to work. We had no idea when we would be joining him, but we had faith that if the Lord wanted us there then he would provide a way. We knew it would take a miracle because the job Aaron had would never pay enough to get us up there with him. 
Aaron wasn't in Utah for very long when his best friend's brother in law offered him a job as a realtor. In order for Aaron to be able to get his license quickly, he would have to quit his current job, and we would have to live off our savings for a couple months. I was a little hesitant. . . . okay very hesitant, but with a big push from Aaron we decided to go for it. 

And just like that, all the pieces began to fall into place. It wasn't easy, and money was tight, but Aaron got his realtor license. He started working, and although it took a couple months before his first sale, we could see the Lord's hand in blessing our family. In July 2016, the girls and I moved up to Utah. As soon as I arrived, I knew this was where the Lord wanted our family.
It has now been a year since we moved to Utah, and it has felt like one trial after another, but we know this is where we belong. We love where we live, and the people around us. Even through the hard times, we can see the Lord countless blessings. We are so grateful that the Lord had a different plan for our family, and we are loving it. 
Put your trust in the Lord, and good things will happen. I would never had thought that life would lead me to Utah, but now that is has, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I am excited to see what else the Lord has planned for our little family. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Women Taken Prisoner by the Lamanites

Book of Mormon

Women Taken Prisoner by the Lamanites

Alma 54:3; 55:17-24; 58:30-31; 60:17

60:17 "but behold, not the Lamanites are coming upon us, taking possession of our lands, and they are murdering our people with the sword, yea, our women and our children, and also carrying them away captive, causing them that they should suffer all manner of afflictions, and this because of the great wickedness of those who are seeking for power and authority, yea, even those king-men."

These verses are just more evidence at how ruthless and bloodthirsty these Lamanites were. They didn't care who you were. If you were standing in their way, they were going to remove you. We know from Alma 54:3 that the Nephites did not take any women or children as prisoners. Their fight was not with them. To have been taken captive with your children, by an enemy that hated you, must have been so frightening.

As I have pondered these scriptures, I have wondered about how I could apply them into my own life. I pray I never have to experience what these women and their children went through on a physical level. On a spiritual level, however, we may not even know how captive we are. Being spiritually captive could have eternal consequences that effect generations. One of my favorites scriptures is Helaman 5:12 which says,

Satan's whole mission is to bring us down to misery. He is striving to hold us captive to his snares everyday. We, however, know where to put our faith. We must develop and strengthen our testimonies. This is how we avoid the eternal consequences of spiritual captivity.

to learn more about the women in the scriptures challenge click here
these are my own thoughts and opinions

Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Craig Family Goes to the Beach - Video

A Day at the Beach - Corona Del Mar

I will admit that I am not the biggest fan of the beach; however, the rest of my family love it. So we piled up in the car and headed down. We like to go to Corona Del Mar because it is a really family friendly beach. There are also tons of volleyball courts if you like to play beach volleyball. (We forgot to bring the volleyball or we would have played.)

Hannah loved playing in the ocean!

Kerri took Logan and Lilly down to the water. They loved it so much, I thought she was going to be stuck down there all day. 

Ashlyn was a pro on her boogie board

I didn't think Beck would like the water, but he made a liar out of me.
He loved splashing and kicking in it.

The girls finally took a break to build some sandcastles and eat lunch

Beck took a really long nap in the beach wagon. The waves crashing were probably the best white noise ever! 

Despite not personally loving the beach, we had a really fun day!
and bonus - no one got sunburnt

Friday, July 21, 2017

The Boy I Never Knew I Needed

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a picture of Beck with the caption, "I thought I would be happy having a bunch of girls. A boy wasn't part of my plan. Luckily, however, Heavenly Father knows me better than I do and knew I needed this little guy. He is the sweetest and most loving baby (and so stinking cute!) 

When the ultrasound tech told me it was boy, I didn't really have any reaction to it. I just thanked her and let her finish up the exam. Aaron had already started his new job in Utah, and so I had gone to the appointment on my own. I called Aaron and told him the news. He was, as you could imagine, very excited. He always wanted a boy. He loves his girls but was more than ready to add a boy to the mix. As I drove to my Mum's house, I remember these words entering my mind, "This was no accident. He was meant to be a boy, and he was meant to come to your family at this time." I remember a wave of comfort and peace come over me. I knew that Heavenly Father had a plan for our family, and that this little guy was ready to come join us. 

As the months went on, I became more and more excited to meet him. Especially when we decided his name should be Beck. When the time came to meet this little guy, I fell instantly in love with him. He was so cute! I held him close to me and I haven't let go. Beck has not been an easy baby. For a while, I thought his favorite thing to do was cry, and trust me I did a lot of crying too. Thankfully, however, we have started to get into a good schedule. I swear everyday I grow more and more in love with him, and the new things he is learning to do.

 I thank Heavenly Father everyday for my two gorgeous girls, and my handsome boy. He truly does have a plan for each and everyone of us. I couldn't imagine this little guy being anything else then my little Beck. 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Mothers of the Stripling Warriors

Book of Mormon

Mothers of the Stripling Warriors

Alma 56:47-48; 57:21

47 "now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them."
48 "and they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: we do not doubt out mothers knew it."

I love these scriptures! I love these mothers and the example they have set for all of us. Overwhelming as it may be, I know these were mothers who lived and taught the gospel everyday in their homes. We know, from the scriptures, that they did not fear death because they knew Jesus would overcome death for all of us. They were women who took their covenants seriously. They were willing to die then break the oath they had made. 

"The responsibility mothers have today has never required more vigilance. More than at any time in the history of the world, we need mothers who know. Children are being born into a world where they “wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). However, mothers need not fear. When mothers know who they are and who God is and have made covenants with Him, they will have great power and influence for good on their children." Julie B. Beck - Mothers who know - October 2007

I am now a mother of three beautiful children. I want them to know who they are and what they can become. I want to teach them, by example, how wonderful the gospel of Jesus Christ is. I want them to know with certainly that the church is true. That Jesus Christ is their redeemer and savior. I know that as I strive to have daily family prayer and scripture study, the Lord will bless my efforts. My children can and will develop their own love for gospel, as I show them mine. I am so grateful to have such wonderful examples of good righteous mothers in my life. 

these are my own thoughts and opinions

Women in the Scriptures Challenge : Wives of the 10,000 Nephite Soldiers at the City of Judea

Book of Mormon

Wives of the 10,000 Nephite Soldiers at the City of Judea

Alma 56:28

"and also there were sent two thousand men, unto us from the land of Zarahemla. And thus we were prepared with ten thousand men, and provisions for them, and also for their wives and their children."

If you read too fast, you might miss this one. I have found that a lot of women in the Book of Mormon are easy to glance over because they seem to just be thrown in here and there. However, since starting this challenge, I have come to know that all the women mentioned are in the Book of Mormon for a specific reason. We can learn something from all of them. 

As I was thinking about these women who received these provisions, it hit me. The wars were being fought in their cities. It was being won or lost right outside their homes, on their doorsteps. I can't imagine how scary that must have been. It must have been such a relief to see so many soldiers arrive to help, and also to get provisions. 

Today, the fight is still on our doorsteps. It might not be a physical fight, but it is just, if not more, dangerous. The devil is trying again and again to break down our defenses. He comes at us through the media we watch, the music we listen to, and the games we play. Our houses must become a safe haven from the world. A place where the spirit can dwell, and love is present. 

Questions to ask the wives of the nephite soldiers
*How close were you to the fighting?
*How did you prepare for war? Spiritually?

these are my own thoughts and opinions

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

An Update On All Things Hannah Betty

Hannah Betty Craig

Hannah is growing up so quickly! It seems like everyday she gets a little bit taller and a little bit more mature. On one hand, I want to slow down time and keep her little; on the other hand, I want to continue to see her grow and learn. Regardless of what I want, everyday she will get a little bit older. 

Hannah continues to be the happy little girl she has always been. She always has a smile on her face, and just wants to run and play. She loves playing on the playground, riding her scooter, and picking up roly polys (bugs!) I think they are disgusting, and have to tell her over and over to take them out of my house! She thinks they are fascinating, especially when they curl up. She continues to ask if she can keep them as pets. The answer will always be no. . . . . . until she wears Aaron and I down.

Hannah loves people! She thinks everyone is her friend, and gets so excited when she gets to see her cousins. She, like me, gets excited easily. Brynn and Hannah are two and a half months apart, and are still best friends. They, like most girls their age, are best friends one day and not the next. However, they are always friends by the end of the day, and love to play together. It has been so fun to see their friendship grow. 
Hannah is lucky to be in a big primary class at church. She can't remember any of their names, but tells me about all her friends at church. She will draw them pictures during sacrament meeting, and give them hugs when it is time to go. 

One of Hannah's favorite activities this summer has been swimming lessons. She has done two sessions and has improved tremendously. When she started swim lessons in Provo, she couldn't really do anything. Over the 16 classes she has done, she can now front crawl, turn from her front to her back, and (as you can see from the picture) float on her back. I am not kidding when I tell you she can float for days. The teacher gets them in position and waits to see how long they can float. Hannah can float for so long that she ends up having to stop her so they can continue with the class. 
She loves swim and grows more confident everyday.

Hannah is super independent, and loves to pick out her own clothes. Usually, I don't let her look too mis-matched. 
Hannah is my mini me, and sometimes we will sing our conversations. Talking can be so boring. She is pretty darn funny, and is always coming up with her own jokes that she loves to tell us at dinner. Although her favorite joke will always be the interrupting cow one. 

Knock Knock
Who's there?
The interrupting cow
the interrupt -

Hannah is so sweet and loving. She shows compassion and love whenever it is needed. She is genuinely concerned for others. She gets that from her Dad. 
If you are feeling sad, she will brighten your day. She loves to give hugs and kisses to everyone, including strangers. Seriously, she hugged the man who put in my parent's stove. 
I love that she is mine, and that she got my looks and Aaron's kind heart. 
She is the perfect big sister, and makes our family so much more fun!
I couldn't imagine life without her. I thank Heavenly Father everyday for her.

favorite Color - purple
favorite Toy - candy (hatchimal)
favorite Food - ham sandwich
favorite thing to eat for dinner - spaghetti and meatballs
favorite TV Show - little Einsteins
favorite Outfit - shorts and t shirt
favorite game - Mario kart
favorite animal - monkey
favorite song - Gethsemane
favorite book - the pigeon needs a bath
favorite movie - cars
favorite sport - soccer
favorite thing to do outside - play hide and seek
favorite thing to do with your family - cuddle
favorite holiday - Christmas
what makes you happy? - playing with cousins
what do you want to be when you grow up? - chef

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...