Thursday, June 29, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge: King Lamoni's Mother

Book of Mormon

King Lamoni's Mother
(Queen of the Lamanites)

Alma 22 : 19-24

Lamanite woman, Wife of the King of the Lamanites, King Lamoni's mother

It is hard not to compare the reaction of King Lamoni's mother to King Lamoni's wife ( knowing their names would probably make that sentence less confusing.) We know, from the scriptures, King Lamoni's wife mourned for her husband, and then, not being convinced he was dead, inquired of Ammon. She believed his words, and stayed by her husbands side until he woke (pictured on the left.) She then fell to the earth. Was awoken by the hand of Abish, and shared her testimony with the people that were gathered.

King Lamoni's mother, on the other hand, had a very different reaction when she saw that her husband laying on the ground. She reacted with Anger. She wanted Aaron and his brethren dead. When the servants wouldn't kill him, she had then get the people. Aaron, seeing her determination, put forth his hand and raised the king from the earth. When the queen saw this she marveled but also was very fearful. The king ministered unto them, and his whole household was converted unto the Lord. Including the queen. 

What can I learn from these two different reactions?
I have to wonder if I am quick to react rather than act. Meaning: Do I have an instant negative reaction to trials, or when things aren't going my way? Do I react too quickly to my children's behaviour, or when my husband adds items to the shopping list I gave him? Whether spiritual or temporal matters, I know I can handle situations better. I need to follow the example of King Lamoni's wife, and evaluate, inquire, and then act accordingly. By doing this I can avoid a lot of anger and negative thoughts and feelings (which is one of my 2017 goals.) I can show greater faith, like King Lamoni's wife, when opportunities to react arise.

these are my own thoughts and opinions about King Lamoni's mother

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