Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge : King Lamoni's Wife

Book of Mormon

King Lamoni's Wife

Alma 18:43
Alma 19

wife of King Lamoni, she is a Lamanite, taught the gospel by Ammon. Was sure her husband was not dead after he fell to the earth because he did not stink.

It has been a long time since I have wrote about any woman in the scriptures. However, this morning, as I was studying about King Lamoni's conversion, I felt inspired to write a little about his wife, the queen. 

My parents are both active members of the church, and I have been going to church since I was born. It is more than just something I do on a Sunday, it is a part of my very being. When I read about King Lamoni's wife, I have to remind myself that this was not a woman who had any prior knowledge of the gospel. The Lamanites were raised to hate the Nephites. The scriptures describe the Lamanites as a "wild, hardened and a ferocious people; a people who delighted in murdering, robbing and plundering the Nephites.Not only that, but things like the Holy Ghost, faith, repentance were (probably) foreign concepts. Which makes King Lamoni's wife all that much more amazing. 

Then comes, as some say, the greatest love story in the Book of Mormon. The queen, who is mourning over her husband, yet not convinced he is actually dead remembers about Ammon. She calls for him because the servants of her husband told her that "Ammon is a prophet of a holy God, and that he has power to do mighty things". I can imagine her thinking over this and wondering if it could be true, and if Ammon could do mighty things then he could possibly wake her husband up. I can see the seed of faith being planted within her heart. 
I love that we are reading her actual recorded words here when she says, "and some say that he is not dead, but others say that he is dead and that he stinketh, and that he ought to be placed in the sepulchre; BUT AS FOR MYSELF, TO ME HE DOTH NOT STINK". How stinking cute!!!! She is sure her husband is not dead because, to her, he doesn't stink. 

Ammon then goes on to see the king, knows he isn't dead and tells the queen he will wake in the morning. Then Ammon asks her if she believes him? Her answer is, "I have had no witness save thy word, and the word of our servants; nevertheless I believe that it shall be according as thou hast said."  What an example of faith! Ammon also thinks so because he tells her, "Blessed art thou because of thy exceeding faith; I say unto thee, woman, there has not been such great faith among all the people of the Nephites". What an amazing complement. So great was her faith that she didn't know because of her own individual witness. She simply believed that what Ammon said was true. Having faith that her husband was not dead. 

At various times in my life, I have had to lean on faith alone. Knowing that the Lord would provide the way. My husband and I have had our faith tested recently with our move to Utah. We know this is where God wants us to be, but it has been hard. We have struggled in all aspects of life, but we have faith in the Lord's plan for our family. We continue to do what is right knowing the Lord has a plan for us that we can't see yet.

King Lamoni's wife stays with him until he wakes up. King Lamoni then shares his testimony with his wife and is overcome again by the spirit that "he sunk again with joy. Only this time, the queen also sunk down, being overcome by the spirit".  I wonder if she was taken away in a vision while in this state? Have any other women, that we know off, been struck down like this? I haven't been so overwhelmed by the spirit that I have been struck down; however, I have been so filled with the Holy Ghost either testifying or comforting me that I need time to process everything.

After a while, Abish takes her hand and she arose and stood upon her feet, and cried with a loud voice, saying: "O blessed Jesus, who has saved me from an awful hell! O blessed God, have mercy on this people!" She was so full with joy that she "spoke many words that were not understood". I wonder what that means? She then grabs King Lamoni's hand and he stands. 

The message shared with his people was so powerful, for those who would listen, that "their hearts had been changed; that they had no more desire to do evil. I am sure that King Lamoni's wife was instrumental in teaching and sharing the gospel. 

If we jump ahead twenty five years or so we read about the 2,000 stripling warriors. These young men were fighting so their parents would not have to break their covenant to not pick up weapons of war. These were King Lamoni's people. I am sure King Lamoni's wife was a spiritual leader and example to her people. I wonder if one of the stripling warrior's were a close relative to the queen?

I have loved learning more about King Lamoni's wife. Her example of faith is inspiring, and I strive everyday to be more like the women I have the privilege of reading about.

to learn more about the women in the scriptures challenge click here

these are my own opinions on King Lamoni's wife

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