Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge: Abish

Book of Mormon


Alma 19

Lamanite woman, servant of King Lamoni, been converted unto the Lord for many years

Abish is one of the few women who are actually named in the Book of Mormon. I could be wrong, which happens, but the only other named woman I can think of is Sariah (let me know if there are others.)

Things we know about her from the scriptures
*lamanite servant (Alma 19:16)
*had been converted unto the Lord for many years (Alma 19:16)
*kept her conversion a secret (Alma 19:17)
*knew the power of God was the reason King Lamoni, his wife, and Ammon lay upon the earth (Alma 19:17)
*ran from house to house sharing the news of what had happened in hope the people would believe (Alma 19:17)
*was brought to tears when she saw the contention among the people (Alma 19:28)
*with faith she took the hand of the queen hoping it would wake her (Alma 19:29)

Abish was a lamanite servant who had been converted to the Lord for many years; yet, she didn't tell anyone about that. I would think that would very lonely. I can just imagine the excitement and joy she felt when she witnessed the power of the Lord. Finally, she could share the message, and bring people unto the Lord. She was sure this monumental event would convert others. Instead, it brought contention which left Abish in tears. I know from experience when I am really really excited about something I immediately want to share it with others. The only problem is they never seem to match my level of excitement. I wonder if this is how Abish felt when she returned expecting the people to be just as happy as she was and instead they were filled with contention. I think I would have cried too. Abish, having faith, touched the hand of the queen, who got up and shared her testimony with the people. Abish must have been filled with such joy listening to the queen speak. She could now share and discuss the gospel with others. 

I love the example of Abish, especially with her eagerness to finally share the gospel. She had waited and now was her time to step us and be a missionary. She did not flinch. She ran! I think back on opportunities I have had to share the gospel, some I shared immediately, others I took too long and missed out. Abish teaches me (and all of us) to not wait. When opportunities to share the gospel arise, we must be confident and brave. 

Abish has a short story in the Book of Mormon, but it had an eternal influence. We too can have eternal influences on our family, friends, and those around.

Questions I would love to ask Abish
What is your conversions story?
How long had you been a servant?
What other missionary stories do you have?

I love Abish, and am grateful for the opportunity to learn more about her and her inspiring story of courage and faith. 

these are my own thoughts and opinions on Abish

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