Tuesday, June 27, 2017

My Top Five Talks from April's General Conference

I did it! 
I have read all the wonderful talks from General Conference as part of my daily scripture reading. I learned something from each and everyone of them; however, there were some that left me with a greater desire to do better!

It was interesting to see if my favourite talks, from when I watched conference, were still my favourite talks now that I was reading them. There were some changes. There were also some talks, in my top five, that I swear I don't not remember hearing at all (even though I did.) I am excited to re-read the talks again and see if my top five list changes in any way. I will definitely update when I have finished reading them again.

(if you want to read any of these talks simply click on the title)

Here are my favorite talks from Conference!

To return to God's presence and to receive the eternal blessings that come from making and keeping covenants are the most important goals we can set. 

This talk was exactly what I needed to hear at this particular time in my life. I took so many notes and had all these ideas running through my head when I finished reading. It truly felt as if this talk was wrote just for me. 

In this talk, Elder Ballard talks about the importance of goal setting and having a plan to achieve that goal. He says, "Find time to review your life's goals and your plans, and make sure they align with our Heavenly Father's great plan for our happiness." I know that as I have refocused and realigned my goals, and plans to achieve them, I have been inspired and led by the spirit. I finished reading the talk feeling more confident in my personal ability to achieve my goals. 

I loved how Elder Ballard mentioned that it is good to have goals for our career, schooling, marriage, family, hobbies etc; however, these goals should not pull us away from our Heavenly Father's plan for us. 

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." 3 Nephi 13:33

One goal I set for myself is starting my day with prayer, scripture study, and reading one of the talks from General Conference. In order to achieve this goal, I decided to wake up before my husband and children. This way the house will be quiet, and I can focus on what the spirit is trying to tell me. As I have committed myself to waking up anywhere between 4:30am and 6:30am (depending on when my baby wakes up to feed), I have felt a greater calm throughout my day, a greater presence of the Holy Ghost, and a greater desire to achieve my other goals. 

The constellation of characteristics that result from faith in Christ are all necessary to our standing strong in these last days

Elder Hales continues to be one of my favourite speakers from conference. I loved his talk from the April 2016 conference, The Holy Ghost.  I have marked and highlighted practically that entire talk, and this one was no different. I finished this talk with a desire to be a better and a more diligent disciple of Jesus Christ. 

In this talk Elder Hales focuses on the scriptures found in 2nd Peter, "And besides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity." As we develop these characteristics in our lives, we become better and more productive disciples of Christ. 

Elder Hales said, "We develop trust in the Lord. We are able to rely on His design for our lives, even though we cannot see it with our own natural eyes."

My family and I recently move to Utah. We know this was the right decision; however, it has not been an easy one. We have, at times, felt like we are on a never ending trial of our faith. We (my husband and I) have offered up many tearful and heartfelt prayers to our Heavenly Father. Through all of this we have tried to do what is right. Knowing that His plan for our family is much better than any plan we could have designed for our lives. As I try to serve my family and fellowman, I have focused less on my self and my trials and more on others. 

When we decide to do "Whatsoever [God] saith unto" us, we earnestly commit to align our everyday behavior with God's will. 

I have read and heard the story about Christ turning the water into wine numerous times, and yet, it wasn't until this conference talk that I saw it in a whole new light. I never noticed Mary's part in the story where in verse 5 of John chapter 2 she says, "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.

What an amazing example to all of us. When problems or troubles arise where should we immediately look? To the Saviour! Already having committed ourselves to do "whatsoever he saith unto you." I also love when Elder Clayton said, "We have to walk, trusting that He knows the way because He is the way."

This talk really inspired me to not only recommit to doing what the Lord asks, but to learn more about Mary, the mother of Jesus. She is such an amazing woman. Using her example, I hope to be a better wife, mother, and daughter of God. I know I can always turn to my Saviour, and he will hear and answer my prayers.

4. Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Let us set aside our fears and live instead with joy, humility, hope, and a bold confidence that God is with us. 

President Uchtdorf never fails to inspire and comfort me when he speaks. I always feel the Holy Ghost testify of the truthfullness of his words, and bonus, he is really easy to listen too. I have not and would not be able to fall asleep during one of his talks!

I appreciate that President Uchtdorf explained a lot of reasons why fear, although maybe effective, doesn't stick in the long run. It made me stop and think if I use fear to discipline my children, or scare myself into doing or not doing certain things. Do I allow fear to overtake my life? In some instances my answer was yes.

President Uchtdort went on to talk about a better way - The Saviour! I love when President Uchtdorf said, "Our Father's love for us, surpasses by far our ability to comprehend. . . . He wants to change more than just our behaviours. He wants to change our very natures. He wants to change our hearts." Our faith and trust in Jesus Christ will always replace our fears.

It is such a comfort to know that the Lord is on our side. That he is willing and able to help us in our time of need. During those times when I feel less than adequate in my life, he knows my potential. He loves me perfectly. I find strength in knowing there is a thoughtful plan for my life. As I strive to set aside my fears, I know the Lord will replace it with faith.

5. The Power of the Book of Mormon by President Thomas S. Monson

I implore each of us to prayerfully study and ponder the Book of Mormon each day

I love listening to our sweet prophet. His message was short and simple, but left me with a desire to do better.  I have recommitted myself to begin my day with prayer and scripture study. As I invite the Holy Ghost to be with me in my study, my testimony has been strengthened. Consistently reading from the Book of Mormon has carried me through tough times. I have noticed an increase of the spirit in my home as I spend the day contemplating things I have read.

 I know the Book of Mormon is true, and because I know that I also know the church is true. Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. He truly saw God the father and His son Jesus Christ, and amidst never ending trials Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon.

I am grateful for every opportunity I get to hear President Monson speak, and I pray for him daily.

other talks I really enjoyed
The Beauty of Holiness by Carol F. McConkie
Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson
A Sin-Resistant Generation by Joy D. Jones
Let the Holy Spirit Guide by Ronald A. Rasband 
and Then Jesus Beholding Him Loved Him by S. Mark Palmer

you are free to use any of the quotes. Simply click the picture to enlarge it then right click, save as and you are good to print. 

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