Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Beck's Six Month Update

Beck recently went for his six month check up. I really didn't want to go because I left the last one feeling very indifferent. This one, however, went really well. The doctor decided against him seeing a specialist about his flat head which doesn't look crazy flat anymore. He said you can tell it isn't as round as other babies his age, but it's not flat enough to make a fuss about. I was happy about that. The doctor also wants to wean him of his medicine which is great news. With a 92% chance of growing out of his urinary reflux, Aaron and I were concerned about keeping on his daily dose of medicine everyday for just over a year. I'm was so glad the doctor agreed. 

I was also happy to answer the developmental questions because he has made great improvements. He can roll from front to back and back to front. He can sit (kinda) all by himself, he does wobble a bit. He can also move (backwards) when laying on his belly. He also giggles a lot. He still cries a lot but hey what can you do. 

Beck has tried bananas, sweet potatoes, and apple so far. I'm not in a big rush to try him with a bunch of food. We are working through them slowly. He still has his main source of food every 3-4 hours, and still doesn't sleep through the night. I have had a couple good nights which I am very grateful for. Last night, we were up from 2:30 - 5am! Those nights and following day are not so fun.

Weight ~ 18lbs 7oz 56%
Length ~ 28.2in 90%
Head Circumference ~ 42.3cm 10%

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