Friday, June 30, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge: Widows and Daughters of Nephites Slain Protecting the People of Ammon

Book of Mormon

Widows and Daughters of Nephites Slain Protecting the People of Ammon

Alma 28:5

"yea, the cry of widows mourning for their husbands, and also of fathers mourning for their sons, and their daughter for the brother, yea, the brother for the father; and thus the cry of mourning was heard among all of them, mourning for their kindred who had been slain."

Scriptures like these really tug at my heart strings. For five years (including one deployment), I was a wife of a United States Marine. I remember sitting in that pre-deployment meeting with other wives, mothers, and girlfriends. It lasted a couple hours, and covered everything that would or could happen during our loved ones deployment; including, the procedure that would take place if our loved one was killed in action. They talked about who would come to our door, how many people would show up, and what uniform they would be wearing. It was very specific and I prayed with all my heart that I would never have to experience that part.  
A couple days before my husband was due to leave, his friend (who was heading out as well) pulled me aside. He wanted me to know that he would take a bullet for Aaron, and I believed him. I knew with all my heart that he would step in front of Aaron if he could. The scary thing, for me, was that I knew Aaron would absolutely one hundred percent do the same for him, or for anyone else.
Everyday for eight long months, I prayed that Aaron would be watched over and protected. I was blessed with feelings of peace and comfort. Even during those times when I didn't hear from him for a few days, I knew Heavenly Father was watching over him. Finally, the day came when my oldest, Hannah, and I were able to go pick him up. It was the best reunion EVER!
I am so grateful that I never had to experience the heartache of losing my husband in the war. I can't begin to imagine the pain and heartbreak that accompanies that devastating news.
What I do know is their cries are heard by a loving Heavenly Father. 
The Nephite wives and daughters were no different then the wives and daughters today. Their husbands, fathers, and brothers died defending the same rights and freedoms we are fighting for today. I am grateful for all of their sacrifices.
I continue to pray for our men and women overseas, and for their families waiting for their safe return.

In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives and our children.
Alma 46:12

these are my own thoughts and opinions

Visiting Teaching Handout July 2017

That They May Be One

Made two different handouts - feel free to use one or both!


regular size printing paper


regular size printing paper

you are welcome to use these handouts
simply click to englare the picture then right click, save as, and print
you can also save and upload to costco (or any photo place) for a more photo like finish

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge: King Lamoni's Mother

Book of Mormon

King Lamoni's Mother
(Queen of the Lamanites)

Alma 22 : 19-24

Lamanite woman, Wife of the King of the Lamanites, King Lamoni's mother

It is hard not to compare the reaction of King Lamoni's mother to King Lamoni's wife ( knowing their names would probably make that sentence less confusing.) We know, from the scriptures, King Lamoni's wife mourned for her husband, and then, not being convinced he was dead, inquired of Ammon. She believed his words, and stayed by her husbands side until he woke (pictured on the left.) She then fell to the earth. Was awoken by the hand of Abish, and shared her testimony with the people that were gathered.

King Lamoni's mother, on the other hand, had a very different reaction when she saw that her husband laying on the ground. She reacted with Anger. She wanted Aaron and his brethren dead. When the servants wouldn't kill him, she had then get the people. Aaron, seeing her determination, put forth his hand and raised the king from the earth. When the queen saw this she marveled but also was very fearful. The king ministered unto them, and his whole household was converted unto the Lord. Including the queen. 

What can I learn from these two different reactions?
I have to wonder if I am quick to react rather than act. Meaning: Do I have an instant negative reaction to trials, or when things aren't going my way? Do I react too quickly to my children's behaviour, or when my husband adds items to the shopping list I gave him? Whether spiritual or temporal matters, I know I can handle situations better. I need to follow the example of King Lamoni's wife, and evaluate, inquire, and then act accordingly. By doing this I can avoid a lot of anger and negative thoughts and feelings (which is one of my 2017 goals.) I can show greater faith, like King Lamoni's wife, when opportunities to react arise.

these are my own thoughts and opinions about King Lamoni's mother

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge: Abish

Book of Mormon


Alma 19

Lamanite woman, servant of King Lamoni, been converted unto the Lord for many years

Abish is one of the few women who are actually named in the Book of Mormon. I could be wrong, which happens, but the only other named woman I can think of is Sariah (let me know if there are others.)

Things we know about her from the scriptures
*lamanite servant (Alma 19:16)
*had been converted unto the Lord for many years (Alma 19:16)
*kept her conversion a secret (Alma 19:17)
*knew the power of God was the reason King Lamoni, his wife, and Ammon lay upon the earth (Alma 19:17)
*ran from house to house sharing the news of what had happened in hope the people would believe (Alma 19:17)
*was brought to tears when she saw the contention among the people (Alma 19:28)
*with faith she took the hand of the queen hoping it would wake her (Alma 19:29)

Abish was a lamanite servant who had been converted to the Lord for many years; yet, she didn't tell anyone about that. I would think that would very lonely. I can just imagine the excitement and joy she felt when she witnessed the power of the Lord. Finally, she could share the message, and bring people unto the Lord. She was sure this monumental event would convert others. Instead, it brought contention which left Abish in tears. I know from experience when I am really really excited about something I immediately want to share it with others. The only problem is they never seem to match my level of excitement. I wonder if this is how Abish felt when she returned expecting the people to be just as happy as she was and instead they were filled with contention. I think I would have cried too. Abish, having faith, touched the hand of the queen, who got up and shared her testimony with the people. Abish must have been filled with such joy listening to the queen speak. She could now share and discuss the gospel with others. 

I love the example of Abish, especially with her eagerness to finally share the gospel. She had waited and now was her time to step us and be a missionary. She did not flinch. She ran! I think back on opportunities I have had to share the gospel, some I shared immediately, others I took too long and missed out. Abish teaches me (and all of us) to not wait. When opportunities to share the gospel arise, we must be confident and brave. 

Abish has a short story in the Book of Mormon, but it had an eternal influence. We too can have eternal influences on our family, friends, and those around.

Questions I would love to ask Abish
What is your conversions story?
How long had you been a servant?
What other missionary stories do you have?

I love Abish, and am grateful for the opportunity to learn more about her and her inspiring story of courage and faith. 

these are my own thoughts and opinions on Abish

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Women in the Scriptures Challenge : King Lamoni's Wife

Book of Mormon

King Lamoni's Wife

Alma 18:43
Alma 19

wife of King Lamoni, she is a Lamanite, taught the gospel by Ammon. Was sure her husband was not dead after he fell to the earth because he did not stink.

It has been a long time since I have wrote about any woman in the scriptures. However, this morning, as I was studying about King Lamoni's conversion, I felt inspired to write a little about his wife, the queen. 

My parents are both active members of the church, and I have been going to church since I was born. It is more than just something I do on a Sunday, it is a part of my very being. When I read about King Lamoni's wife, I have to remind myself that this was not a woman who had any prior knowledge of the gospel. The Lamanites were raised to hate the Nephites. The scriptures describe the Lamanites as a "wild, hardened and a ferocious people; a people who delighted in murdering, robbing and plundering the Nephites.Not only that, but things like the Holy Ghost, faith, repentance were (probably) foreign concepts. Which makes King Lamoni's wife all that much more amazing. 

Then comes, as some say, the greatest love story in the Book of Mormon. The queen, who is mourning over her husband, yet not convinced he is actually dead remembers about Ammon. She calls for him because the servants of her husband told her that "Ammon is a prophet of a holy God, and that he has power to do mighty things". I can imagine her thinking over this and wondering if it could be true, and if Ammon could do mighty things then he could possibly wake her husband up. I can see the seed of faith being planted within her heart. 
I love that we are reading her actual recorded words here when she says, "and some say that he is not dead, but others say that he is dead and that he stinketh, and that he ought to be placed in the sepulchre; BUT AS FOR MYSELF, TO ME HE DOTH NOT STINK". How stinking cute!!!! She is sure her husband is not dead because, to her, he doesn't stink. 

Ammon then goes on to see the king, knows he isn't dead and tells the queen he will wake in the morning. Then Ammon asks her if she believes him? Her answer is, "I have had no witness save thy word, and the word of our servants; nevertheless I believe that it shall be according as thou hast said."  What an example of faith! Ammon also thinks so because he tells her, "Blessed art thou because of thy exceeding faith; I say unto thee, woman, there has not been such great faith among all the people of the Nephites". What an amazing complement. So great was her faith that she didn't know because of her own individual witness. She simply believed that what Ammon said was true. Having faith that her husband was not dead. 

At various times in my life, I have had to lean on faith alone. Knowing that the Lord would provide the way. My husband and I have had our faith tested recently with our move to Utah. We know this is where God wants us to be, but it has been hard. We have struggled in all aspects of life, but we have faith in the Lord's plan for our family. We continue to do what is right knowing the Lord has a plan for us that we can't see yet.

King Lamoni's wife stays with him until he wakes up. King Lamoni then shares his testimony with his wife and is overcome again by the spirit that "he sunk again with joy. Only this time, the queen also sunk down, being overcome by the spirit".  I wonder if she was taken away in a vision while in this state? Have any other women, that we know off, been struck down like this? I haven't been so overwhelmed by the spirit that I have been struck down; however, I have been so filled with the Holy Ghost either testifying or comforting me that I need time to process everything.

After a while, Abish takes her hand and she arose and stood upon her feet, and cried with a loud voice, saying: "O blessed Jesus, who has saved me from an awful hell! O blessed God, have mercy on this people!" She was so full with joy that she "spoke many words that were not understood". I wonder what that means? She then grabs King Lamoni's hand and he stands. 

The message shared with his people was so powerful, for those who would listen, that "their hearts had been changed; that they had no more desire to do evil. I am sure that King Lamoni's wife was instrumental in teaching and sharing the gospel. 

If we jump ahead twenty five years or so we read about the 2,000 stripling warriors. These young men were fighting so their parents would not have to break their covenant to not pick up weapons of war. These were King Lamoni's people. I am sure King Lamoni's wife was a spiritual leader and example to her people. I wonder if one of the stripling warrior's were a close relative to the queen?

I have loved learning more about King Lamoni's wife. Her example of faith is inspiring, and I strive everyday to be more like the women I have the privilege of reading about.

to learn more about the women in the scriptures challenge click here

these are my own opinions on King Lamoni's wife

My Top Five Talks from April's General Conference

I did it! 
I have read all the wonderful talks from General Conference as part of my daily scripture reading. I learned something from each and everyone of them; however, there were some that left me with a greater desire to do better!

It was interesting to see if my favourite talks, from when I watched conference, were still my favourite talks now that I was reading them. There were some changes. There were also some talks, in my top five, that I swear I don't not remember hearing at all (even though I did.) I am excited to re-read the talks again and see if my top five list changes in any way. I will definitely update when I have finished reading them again.

(if you want to read any of these talks simply click on the title)

Here are my favorite talks from Conference!

To return to God's presence and to receive the eternal blessings that come from making and keeping covenants are the most important goals we can set. 

This talk was exactly what I needed to hear at this particular time in my life. I took so many notes and had all these ideas running through my head when I finished reading. It truly felt as if this talk was wrote just for me. 

In this talk, Elder Ballard talks about the importance of goal setting and having a plan to achieve that goal. He says, "Find time to review your life's goals and your plans, and make sure they align with our Heavenly Father's great plan for our happiness." I know that as I have refocused and realigned my goals, and plans to achieve them, I have been inspired and led by the spirit. I finished reading the talk feeling more confident in my personal ability to achieve my goals. 

I loved how Elder Ballard mentioned that it is good to have goals for our career, schooling, marriage, family, hobbies etc; however, these goals should not pull us away from our Heavenly Father's plan for us. 

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." 3 Nephi 13:33

One goal I set for myself is starting my day with prayer, scripture study, and reading one of the talks from General Conference. In order to achieve this goal, I decided to wake up before my husband and children. This way the house will be quiet, and I can focus on what the spirit is trying to tell me. As I have committed myself to waking up anywhere between 4:30am and 6:30am (depending on when my baby wakes up to feed), I have felt a greater calm throughout my day, a greater presence of the Holy Ghost, and a greater desire to achieve my other goals. 

The constellation of characteristics that result from faith in Christ are all necessary to our standing strong in these last days

Elder Hales continues to be one of my favourite speakers from conference. I loved his talk from the April 2016 conference, The Holy Ghost.  I have marked and highlighted practically that entire talk, and this one was no different. I finished this talk with a desire to be a better and a more diligent disciple of Jesus Christ. 

In this talk Elder Hales focuses on the scriptures found in 2nd Peter, "And besides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity." As we develop these characteristics in our lives, we become better and more productive disciples of Christ. 

Elder Hales said, "We develop trust in the Lord. We are able to rely on His design for our lives, even though we cannot see it with our own natural eyes."

My family and I recently move to Utah. We know this was the right decision; however, it has not been an easy one. We have, at times, felt like we are on a never ending trial of our faith. We (my husband and I) have offered up many tearful and heartfelt prayers to our Heavenly Father. Through all of this we have tried to do what is right. Knowing that His plan for our family is much better than any plan we could have designed for our lives. As I try to serve my family and fellowman, I have focused less on my self and my trials and more on others. 

When we decide to do "Whatsoever [God] saith unto" us, we earnestly commit to align our everyday behavior with God's will. 

I have read and heard the story about Christ turning the water into wine numerous times, and yet, it wasn't until this conference talk that I saw it in a whole new light. I never noticed Mary's part in the story where in verse 5 of John chapter 2 she says, "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.

What an amazing example to all of us. When problems or troubles arise where should we immediately look? To the Saviour! Already having committed ourselves to do "whatsoever he saith unto you." I also love when Elder Clayton said, "We have to walk, trusting that He knows the way because He is the way."

This talk really inspired me to not only recommit to doing what the Lord asks, but to learn more about Mary, the mother of Jesus. She is such an amazing woman. Using her example, I hope to be a better wife, mother, and daughter of God. I know I can always turn to my Saviour, and he will hear and answer my prayers.

4. Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Let us set aside our fears and live instead with joy, humility, hope, and a bold confidence that God is with us. 

President Uchtdorf never fails to inspire and comfort me when he speaks. I always feel the Holy Ghost testify of the truthfullness of his words, and bonus, he is really easy to listen too. I have not and would not be able to fall asleep during one of his talks!

I appreciate that President Uchtdorf explained a lot of reasons why fear, although maybe effective, doesn't stick in the long run. It made me stop and think if I use fear to discipline my children, or scare myself into doing or not doing certain things. Do I allow fear to overtake my life? In some instances my answer was yes.

President Uchtdort went on to talk about a better way - The Saviour! I love when President Uchtdorf said, "Our Father's love for us, surpasses by far our ability to comprehend. . . . He wants to change more than just our behaviours. He wants to change our very natures. He wants to change our hearts." Our faith and trust in Jesus Christ will always replace our fears.

It is such a comfort to know that the Lord is on our side. That he is willing and able to help us in our time of need. During those times when I feel less than adequate in my life, he knows my potential. He loves me perfectly. I find strength in knowing there is a thoughtful plan for my life. As I strive to set aside my fears, I know the Lord will replace it with faith.

5. The Power of the Book of Mormon by President Thomas S. Monson

I implore each of us to prayerfully study and ponder the Book of Mormon each day

I love listening to our sweet prophet. His message was short and simple, but left me with a desire to do better.  I have recommitted myself to begin my day with prayer and scripture study. As I invite the Holy Ghost to be with me in my study, my testimony has been strengthened. Consistently reading from the Book of Mormon has carried me through tough times. I have noticed an increase of the spirit in my home as I spend the day contemplating things I have read.

 I know the Book of Mormon is true, and because I know that I also know the church is true. Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. He truly saw God the father and His son Jesus Christ, and amidst never ending trials Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon.

I am grateful for every opportunity I get to hear President Monson speak, and I pray for him daily.

other talks I really enjoyed
The Beauty of Holiness by Carol F. McConkie
Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson
A Sin-Resistant Generation by Joy D. Jones
Let the Holy Spirit Guide by Ronald A. Rasband 
and Then Jesus Beholding Him Loved Him by S. Mark Palmer

you are free to use any of the quotes. Simply click the picture to enlarge it then right click, save as and you are good to print. 

Monday, June 26, 2017

Motivational Monday #25

We are half way through the year! 
As unbelievable as that is, it is a really good time to review our goals and adjust them if necessary.
I found this quote online and really liked it. I know that when our goals are worthy and fit in with God's plan for us, whether they be spiritual, physical, or mental oriented goals, we CAN achieve them. We can become better because of them. 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Motivational Monday #24

I have fallen in love with a series of podcasts from the Mormon Channel. They are called gospel solutions for families, and so far I have listened to three of them. The quote above was taken from one called, Taming Technology in the Home. It wasn't focused on limiting our kids to an hour a day, but rather how to educate and empower our children to make good decisions with their technology. The entire half hour video (below) I was taking notes and thinking of ways to implement what I was hearing. My favourite part of the quote above is the last line where it says, "They (our devices) need to be our servants, not our masters." How often do we stop what we are doing when our phone alert us of a new text message, facebook notifacation, or email? I know I am guilty of this. 
One thing that really stood out to me was when they mentioned that research strong supports that excessive amounts of television, technology, phones, and tablets bring aggression in a home. 
We create the home we want!
It is never too early or too late to start having conversations with our children (and ourselves) about technology, and how we can use it better.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Beck's Six Month Update

Beck recently went for his six month check up. I really didn't want to go because I left the last one feeling very indifferent. This one, however, went really well. The doctor decided against him seeing a specialist about his flat head which doesn't look crazy flat anymore. He said you can tell it isn't as round as other babies his age, but it's not flat enough to make a fuss about. I was happy about that. The doctor also wants to wean him of his medicine which is great news. With a 92% chance of growing out of his urinary reflux, Aaron and I were concerned about keeping on his daily dose of medicine everyday for just over a year. I'm was so glad the doctor agreed. 

I was also happy to answer the developmental questions because he has made great improvements. He can roll from front to back and back to front. He can sit (kinda) all by himself, he does wobble a bit. He can also move (backwards) when laying on his belly. He also giggles a lot. He still cries a lot but hey what can you do. 

Beck has tried bananas, sweet potatoes, and apple so far. I'm not in a big rush to try him with a bunch of food. We are working through them slowly. He still has his main source of food every 3-4 hours, and still doesn't sleep through the night. I have had a couple good nights which I am very grateful for. Last night, we were up from 2:30 - 5am! Those nights and following day are not so fun.

Weight ~ 18lbs 7oz 56%
Length ~ 28.2in 90%
Head Circumference ~ 42.3cm 10%

click here to read 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Dripping Rock Trail

We have family coming next week so have been looking for fun, and inexpensive, things to do. I had read a blog post about dripping rock, and decided to take the family and go check it out. 
It was a really nice, and stroller friendly, trail. It was flat and covered with trees. We went around 7:30pm and walked and played for about an hour. It was still bright when we left. 
The trail down to the stream was a bit steep, but doable. The girls loved it!

Next time, we are going to go in bathing suits and swim shoes. I will also be updating this post with more pictures after I take the family!

the path down to the stream

Monday, June 5, 2017

Motivational Monday #23

Last week, I read a talk by Elder M. Russel Ballard entitled Return and Receive. It was amazing, and went along perfectly with a video I had just watch entitled, How to Get Anything You Want. Both talked about having a vision/goal for where you want to end up. 
M. Russell Ballard said, "Knowing where you are going and how you expect to get there can bring, meaning, purpose, and accomplishment to life."
The video focuses more on the Law of Attraction, and putting positivity into the world. It also talked about having dreams and working hard to achieve them. 
Both the talk and the video came, of course - tender mercy, into my life at the perfect time. I needed some inspiration and motivation to get going on my goals and dreams, and working hard to achieve them. 

Friday, June 2, 2017

Flashback Friday - The Exploding Potato

Last night, I made jacket potatoes for dinner. I love mine with butter, cheese, baked beans, and once in a while, I will top it with a fried egg. DELICIOUS!

Every time I make jacket potatoes, I always think about my Aunt Les - who may kill me for this post - this is her oven in the picture.

We were sitting in her living room, watching TV, when we heard a bang. A very loud bang that came from the kitchen. When we opened the oven, this is what we saw. One of the potatoes had, as you can see, exploded! 

I don't know why it was so funny, or why this memory has stuck out over countless others, but I love this memory. I told my Aunt not to do anything until after I took a picture. I still giggle just thinking about it.  
Here is a tip for making jacket potatoes. Don't forget to prick the potatoes BEFORE putting them in the oven to bake :)

just a side note my aunt is a really good cook, and two of my favorite dinners that she makes are bacon pasta and veggie curry. In fact we have her make bacon pasta when she comes to visit.

I have so many memories with my family from all those trips I took to England. I am seriously so ready to go back for another visit. 

here are some more pictures from my trip back in 2006


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Minimalism Series #1. Why?

Today I want to share with you why I decided to adapt a minimalist or more simplified lifestyle. 

Disclaimer - I don't consider myself to be a true 10 possession type minimalist. I am also still in the process of decluttering, and hope to be done soon.

I was feeling overwhelmed. Every time we had to move, I would find myself asking the same questions.
Why do we have so much stuff?
Where did all this stuff come from?
When did we get this?
Why do we even own this? 
We were literally moving boxes and never unpacking them. Still today, I know there are boxes in the garage that have not been unpacked. I couldn't even tell you what was in them. My guess would be blankets and stuffed animals. If we don't feel the need to waste time unpacking these boxes, then why even have them? 

I also hated opening my closet (which was overrun by clothes and shoes) and feeling like I had absolutely nothing to wear! I also noticed that I was wearing the same pair of jeans or reaching for the same style of top mainly because they made me feel good. 
 While Aaron was on deployment, I got into reading. I then found a site that sold books at super discounted prices, so I would order four or five at a time (this way I would qualify for free shipping.) However, I quickly found my bookcases were full of unread books, but I had nothing to read. I needed to order more and more, so I would have plenty to ready. Fact: I never felt like I had anything good to read.

I felt as if I had hit a wall. I spent hours cleaning and putting clutter away only for it to come right back. There were an endless amount of dishes and laundry. I was beginning to hate being a housewife, and my negative feelings were starting to take over. 

The final straw came while Aaron and I were experiencing a rather intense financial hardship. For months we struggled to pay bills and put food on the table. Finally, we could begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Now my concern was wasting the money (once we got it) on stuff. Aaron and I are both spenders and have no trouble justifying the purchase of pretty much anything. I didn't want to look back and wonder where all the money went. I wanted to feel content with the things that we already had. 

One night, while looking for something to watch. Aaron and I stumbled upon a documentary called The Minimalists. I found it so inspiring and motivating. It was exactly what I wanted and needed to hear at this time in my life. 

Pairing the documentary with Marie Kondo's, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I was ready to start getting rid of stuff. 

My goal with minimalism was to create a simple, yet beautiful and joyful environment. To only have things in my house that I loved and or needed. Things that brought me joy. I wanted to spend less time getting ready, cleaning, and organizing. I wanted to bring more positivity and contentment into my life. I wanted to spend money on creating memories with my children, and not stuff for my children. I wanted a simplified lifestyle.

Everyday as I work a little bit more towards achieving my goal, I can already see and feel a huge difference.

Like I mentioned, I am still very much towards the beginning of my journey, and will update you on my blog with how things are progressing. Below are links to people who have and are continuing to inspire me on this journey. 
simply click on them for more information

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...