Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Trip to The Children's Discovery Museum

The kids and I, along with Courtney, David, and Oliver, took a trip to the discover gateway children's museum in Salt Lake City. Hannah, Lilly Belle and I went months and months ago while I still pregnant with Beck. The girls have been wanting to go back for a while, and we had a free visit with the passes we got. We thought it would be fun to bring David and Oliver along for the ride as well, and I think they really enjoyed it too. 
When we first arrived, it was packed. Several elementary schools were having their field trips there, and let me tell ya, those kids were CRAZY!!! Luckily, by the time we finished lunch they were gone! The museum was quiet and the kids were able to enjoy playing without having kids on top of kids around. 
It was such a fun day!

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