Friday, May 19, 2017

Hogle Zoo and This is the Place

We finally took the girls to The Hogle Zoo here in Utah. The sun was shining and we leisurely made our way from one animal exhibit to the next. Hannah was desperate to see the snakes. . . . did you know she loved snakes? Neither did I, but seriously, the girl would not stop asking to see the snakes! Finally, when Beck was ready to eat, Hannah and Aaron went and saw the much anticipated snakes. She loved them! 
Lilly seemed less impressed with everything, until we went into the gift shop. She wanted to buy everything! We settled for an elephant stuffed animal (NO MORE STUFFED TOYS) which was then dragged on the floor because she wanted to hold it while she walked. 
The thing I loved about this zoo compared to others we have been to was the exhibits seem a lot closer to you. We were right their by the elephants and giraffes. Even the bears seemed really close, and it didn't take forever to get to the different exhibits. Everything seemed fairly close.
It was a really fun way to spend a few hours of the day.
We didn't stay all day because we bought season passes. Funny story about these season passes - they aren't season passes - read the fine print people. We bought a pass that gets you into a bunch of attractions here in Utah ONE TIME! I blame my husband because he found them and paid for them and then while on our way home from the zoo found out they were not season passes. 
However, I think we will end up investing in some season passes. 

all ready to go




Bear Cub

We then decided to make a quick stop at This is the Place Heritage Park (again we thought we had season passes or we would have made both these attractions a whole day deal.)\
I was absolutely blown away by it. It was a great history lesson and gave me a deeper appreciation for those that came before us. They worked hard and made do with what they had. 
We are definitely going to go back soon.

Hannah doing some chores that kids her age would have been doing back in the day

She loved doing the laundry - now if only I can get her to do it at home

These are the cutest and most delicious doughnuts EVER!
. . . and the cheapest

Hannah stamping leather

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