Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Beck's Four Month Update

On Monday, we went to Beck's four month well check up. I left that appointment feeling a little indifferent. . . . 

We arrived and did all the standard length, weight, head circumference. We answered all the developmental questions and then waited for the doctor. We only had one question/concern, but aside from that we were excited to see how much he had grown. 

Since our last appointment, Beck has started to really smile and giggle. Everytime he smiles, he reminds me of when Hannah was a baby. They are looking a lot alike as babies. If you really want to get Beck smiling all you need to do it sing to him. He loves singing, and it doesn't matter how good or bad you sing. No judgement from this four month old. 

He still has blue eyes. They are a darker version of Lilly Belle's blue eyes. I still think he is the family member that will make people see how Hannah and Lilly are sisters. People tell him oh he looks like so and so but to me (unless he is smiling) I only see Beck. I think he looks like his own person. . . . hope that made sense. 

Beck still eats about four to five ounces every three to four hours, and at this appointment we were encouraged to try Beck on some rice cereal. We will be giving it a go soon. 

Beck has started to wake up a little more during the night which hasn't been fun for me; however, I still think he is a good sleeper. At night, he likes to sleep by himself, no cuddles. During the day, he likes to be cuddled, no putting him down.

Our only concern/question for the doctor was about Beck's head. For the past couple weeks Aaron and I were thinking the back of his head looked a little flat, but we weren't sure. The doctor confirmed our suspisions and informed us that there is still time to get it rounded out before we need to seek aid from a helmet. This was when I got a little sad. I don't put Beck down that much. I prefer to carry him, and so felt like I had failed some how. We are hoping to get the back of his little head rounded out before his six month appointment. At that time the doctor will reevlauate him and then decide if we need to see a specialist. . . . another specialist. 

Speaking of specialist. . . His daily dose of medicine for his urinary reflux was increased. We report next month to the urology specialist. 

And that is about it. I love this little guy and am happy that he is doing well. 

Beck is 26 inches long (76%) His weight is 15 pounds 3 ounces (38%) and his head circumference is 40 cm (7%). He didn't put on as much weight as we would have liked, but the doctor isn't worried about it at the moment. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

activity days binder cover

I was just called to be an activity days leader for the 10-11 year olds! 
I am so excited and can't wait to share with you all the fun things we do. 
I am currently working on making an activity day binder. Here is the binder cover!

simply right click and save as or

remember to hit fit to page when you are ready to print. There may be a small white boarder but you can simply cut it off

will link to other pages when I get them done and finally do a big post once it is finished

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

~ 2017 Word of the Year ~

It has taken me three and a half months to finally come up with some goals that I want to accomplish this year. I was feeling really uninspired and unmotivated at the beginning of the year. Our family had run into some difficult times, and I was drained. I would have completely failed at any goal I set during that time. 

Now that I have had plenty of time to think with a clear mind, I am ready to set some goals!

But first. . . . .
Has anyone heard of this thing called word of the year?
It is one word that you spend the year trying to live. My goals and the choices I make will (most likely) be revolving around this word.

My word for 2017 is

This means I want to eliminate all the extra stuff in my life that I feel is weighing me down, and keeping me from reaching my true potential. 

so what do I want to eliminate? 
here they are : 
time wasting
baby weight
junk food and
unnecessary purchases

Clutter - we have moved a lot since being married and every time we are packing and unpacking I always say the same thing, why do we have so much stuff. We literally have boxes full of stuff that has moved from house to house but never unpacked. Get rid of it!!! I started in my living room just decluttering (is that a word? Oh well) the things in their that I felt I didn't need or didn't need to be in that room. Let me tell you it felt amazing! My living room looks clean and clutter free and I feel good when I go in there. It is also very contagious, and I am now moving on to other rooms in my house. It is really surprising how much stuff we have that we just don't use or need. 

Debt - I think this one is pretty obvious. I am tired of owing this car company and this credit card company money. I want it gone! I understand this may not happen in 2017, but I want to see a good decrease in the amounts we owe. 

Distractions - What things are keeping me from being a better wife, mother, daughter of God?
It may be social media, TV, sleeping in etc. I want to find those things and eliminate the amount of time I spend with that distraction. For example, I am still going to watch TV, I am pretty much obsessed with This Is Us, but if I have the TV on just to have it on then that's a problem. 

Stress/Worry - Honestly, I have no clue how I am going to eliminate this one so if anyone has any tips send them my way.

Negativity - life is too short to have negative people in my life. I dread going on facebook because the post now a days just seem to be people arguing and hating this or that. I DON'T CARE! It is time to clean up friends lists, and get rid of any negative thoughts and feelings I have towards other people and myself. 

Procrastination - If you are like me you leave everything to the last minute. I am tired of this and want to be a more productive person. Get things done sooner so I don't have to worry about it later. Hey ok this is one way I can eliminate stress/worry.

Baby Weight - When I was pregnant with Hannah my doctor told me to put on weight. He then told me once I had her I would bounce back pretty instantly, and he wasn't wrong. Then thirty hit and two kids within two years and that baby weight isn't moving. It is actually really sad to not like the way I look. I am going to start walking/exercising and eating better.

Junk Food - This pretty much goes with baby weight. I would love to feel better, have more energy, and see the pounds fall off. I don't think I eat terribly bad at the moment, but know I can do better. 

Unnecessary Purchases - Do you ever go to target for a couple necessities and leave with a cart full of things you didn't need? Yep me too. I want to be more deliberate with my purchases and only buy things that I absolutely need and love. 

I strongly feel that if I can eliminate these things that weigh me down and aren't bringing value to my life, then I will be in a much better place come 2018

and that is it!
If you made it to the end congrats : )

What are some of your goals for 2017?

Monday, March 13, 2017

Motivational Monday #19

I am just beginning my journing to minimalism (more like simplifying/decluttering etc) and this quote is exactly what I need to keep going. 
It is a long process, but getting rid of all the extra stuff is energizing!
I will write a bigger post all about my journey soon 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Motivational Monday #18

This is somethings our family is trying to be better at this year

Some Random Thoughts About The Pioneers

A couple weeks ago, we had a lesson on pioneers. If you want to read the lesson simply click here. The lesson was about Pioneer heritage - focusing on faith and sacrifice. To be honest, I don't tend to find lessons about the pioneers all that exciting. It always seems to be the same stories over and over. This lesson, however, wasn't filled with stories but rather relating the pioneers physical trials to our spiritual trials. I listened, participated, and held a fussy baby throughout the entire lesson. The lesson ended and I went home. I didn't feel any amazing spiritual experience, and went about my day and week as usual. However, as the week progressed, my mind kept going back to these pioneers and the lesson that was taught. My thoughts were of amazement and admiration for their ability to keep going. They endured torture and persecution. They pushed themselves physically as they journeyed west. They dealt with sickness and buried loved ones. They finally arrive in Utah, and now had to work to build up their new lives. There wasn't a city waiting for them, it was a swamp land, it wasn't easy, but they kept going. 
I can't imagine the hardships they went through, and I often wonder if they ever wanted to simply give up and quit? Was it worth it? For them it was. They didn't just want a better life for themselves, but for the generations to come. As I was walking around Salt Lake City, I was overcome with a sense of love and gratitude for those pioneers. Their heritage, hard work, and legacy can be felt throughout the city. Looking at this beautiful city, I am grateful they endured for me. Now my family and I get to appreciate living here and the beauty that surrounds us. 

I have also come to realize that pioneers aren't just those who crossed the plains. My parents are modern day pioneers. In 1999, they gave each of their eight children a suitcase. We could fill our suitcase with the things that we wanted to take with us to California. I know it was hard for my parents to leave England, it was hard to find work that would support a family of ten, and it was hard not to turn around and go home. However, my parents kept going. The blessings that have come because of their unselfish sacrifice are countless. 

I am not sure if any of my ramblings made much sense, but I just wanted to attempt to type out some of the thoughts that were rolling around in my head.

the church allows use of their images for use on personal blogs
here is the link to the picture - lds media library

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Visiting Teaching Handout March 2017

The Enabling Power of Jesus Christ and His Atonement

you are welcome to use these handouts
simply right click, save as, and print

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...