Friday, February 10, 2017

We Have A Secret

As I write this blog post, I am actually quite nervous. I will start by saying that no, I am not pregnant. My secret is that we started a YouTube channel, and post videos of our everyday life. 
Why on earth would we want to do that? well One reason is I don't want my children to every forget their grandparents, cousins, parents, pets etc. I love that they will be able to sit down with their children and grandchildren etc and be able to show them things like their trip to Knotts Berry Farm, making pancakes in the morning, or playing games together. One of my biggest fears is to be forgotten, and I guess in some way, this will prevents that.Another reason is babies don't stay babies! My kids are growing so fast and I want to catch their little quirkiness at the age that they are now. Like how Lilly Belle says milk or how Hannah gets excited about everything, and how hard it is to make Beck smile. 
Wanting to do these videos is something I have been wanting to do for a long time. Almost four years ago was when I first started toying with the idea; however, I was worried about how I looked and what people would think. Those are still concerns hence why I am so nervous to share this, but I figured what the heck just do it. So if you would like to see our family and what we have been and are up to here is our channel link. Subscribe if you would like and hope you enjoy! 

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