Saturday, February 18, 2017


When I had Hannah, I didn't know anything about babywearing. We use to wear her in a carrier around town simply because it was more practical then pushing a stroller. It never once occurred to me that I could wear her inside the house! Hannah would have been a much more content baby if I had done more babywearing with her. 

While I was pregnant with Lilly, I randomly stumbled upon some babywearing videos on YouTube. I became increasingly interested by it, and did a lot of research before deciding on going with a Solly Baby Wrap. Aaron also wanted to wear Lilly, but refused to wear her in a wrap, so he went with an Ergo 360.
I ended up wearing Lilly in the ergo a lot more than the wrap. I think because it was a lot more comfortable for me. I was still struggling a little with getting the wrap on right. I also was walking in the mornings with my sister, and the structure of the ergo made babywearing a lot more comfortable. It also came with a sun shade which helped tremendously when walking in the high desert.

When I found out I was going to have another baby, I knew I wanted to use my wrap a lot more. I did more research into babywearing with a wrap. I also joined some groups on facebook which are dedicated to educating mothers on proper babywearing. I felt a lot more confident third time around. I started wearing Beck when he was two weeks old. It would have been sooner but recovery was not fun for me. He was so little and instantly snuggled up on my chest and fell right asleep. I could tell that he was in the wrap correctly because he was completely relaxed. He was high and tight, face visible, close enough to kiss, and his bum was lower than his knees. I was also extremely comfortable while wearing him which meant I had wrapped the Solly correctly. There were no twist or sagging in my fabric.
As you can tell, I did not buy a new wrap. I barely used it with Lilly, so it was in great condition. Yes, it is purple, take my advise when I tell you to ALWAYS go with gender neutral. I use my wrap while in the house, and wear Beck almost if not everyday. When we are going to be out for a couple hours, I wear him in the Ergo. It is more comfortable for extended periods of time, and easier to take off and put back on for feedings, diaper changes etc. I much prefer to have him close to me then in a carseat.

Here are just a few reasons why I love babywearing.

1. He loves it.
Beck can be screaming and as soon as I get him in the wrap he is out (sometimes he falls asleep while I am putting him in it.) If he doesn't fall asleep, he will look around for a little bit, fully content, then fall asleep. I am telling you these wraps are magical.

2. Hands free.
I have a five year old and a one year old who also need my attention. I love taking them outside to run and play. In these instances it is easier to have Beck in the ergo then in my arms. It also helps when the girls want to play or I want to do their hair etc.
I don't tend to do much cleaning when he is in the wrap (although you could.) Cleaning tends to involve a lot of bending and picking things up which I don't love doing while babywearing. I do mop the floor and fold clothes etc. I also do not cook while babywearing because I don't like my baby being so close to a hot stove and cook top.

3. We are creating a bond.
I love how content Beck is snuggled up on my chest. I do not breastfeed and so worried about not having the same bond with my children. Babywearing allows a closeness and oneness with Beck that I might not get another way.

4.  Convenient.
 Sometimes it is easier to carry a baby then push around a stroller. If we didn't carried Beck around Salt Lake City, we would have to take the big and bulky sit and stand. If I carry Beck then we only need to take along an umbrella stroller for Lilly Belle. The umbrella stroller is a lot easier to transport, maneuver, and navigate through crowds.

5. I love it.
Beck loves being wrapped, but I also love having him close to me. He is my sweet little baby. I know how quickly the days pass by and I want to cherish and soak up every day with him. Keeping him close enables me to snuggle with my baby all the time.

If you don't have any type of babywearing equipment, I would highly recommend getting something. I love the Solly Wrap and our Ergo 360 (links to both will be down below.) I am also looking into a baby ring sling for when Beck gets a little bigger.
I love babywearing and know you will too.

click on the links below for their websites
The Solly Baby Wrap
The Ergobaby 360 Carrier 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Two More Temples

We can cross two more temples off our list of temples to see. Yesterday we went and saw the Draper and Mount Timpanogos Temples. We also went and saw the Jordan River Temple but it is under construction and so you can't get on the grounds. 

Valentine's Day 2017

 Valentine's Day 2017! 

The night before Valentine's Day Aaron and I decided to run to target and pick out a couple things for the girls. We originally were not going to do this hence why it was so last minute. However, showing up at Target on the eve of a big holiday/celebration is the wrong choice. The aisles were packed, most everything was already gone, and people did not seem happy to be shopping. 
We decided to head to the dollar spot and pick up a couple things. The girls ended up with a more summer/Easter theme, but they were so happy to wake up and see their little surprise. The bubbles (which come in a pack of three for $1!) got the biggest reaction. I don't know what it is about bubbles but the girls LOVED them. The chocolate was also a huge hit, probably cause their favorite characters were on them (Paw Patrol for Lilly and Shopkins for Hannah;) however do NOT opt for the cheap chocolate. It tasted gross. 

For breakfast, I made some heart pancakes. I again was ill prepared, and did not have a mold or even a Ziploc bag to pipe the mixture out. 
I had to improvise and although they ended up looking really homemade, I think they turned out pretty good. The girls were impressed, and they tasted great!

Valentine's Day is a day of love. The girls certainly were loving on the brother in this picture. He, however, was not as impressed with all the cuddles, kisses, and pictures being taken. 
I did manage to find the all the kids some clothes with red in them, and Lilly Belle kept her bow in for this one picture :)

Our apartment complex were giving away free balloons and cookies. So the girls and I headed over. They were not excited to kiss in the kissing booth but did love their balloons and cookies.

Courtney and her kids came over to spend the day with us. Hazelle is five days older and a total cutie. She is a lot lighter than Beck. I think they are both adorable!

We ended the day with some chocolate covered strawberries - made by me - Josh (my little brother who lives with us) bought all the ingredients and I made them for him to share with me :)

Monday, February 13, 2017

Motivational Monday #17

2017 has begun with our family going through a bit of a trying time. As I go through this, it is sometimes (mostly all the time) easier to be a total grump!
This quote from Marjorie Pay Hinckley is a good reminder that despite the hardships of life I can still enjoy it. There is happiness in everyday I just have to choose to let it in. 

Confessions of a Valentine's Day Saboteur

While making Valentine's Day cards with Hananh, I started thinking about my first Valentine's Day crush. His name was Cory. He was American, had blonde hair, and was super cute. I spent hours making him the perfect Valentine's Day card. It had to be the best because obviously this was how I was going to confess my love to him, and then he would definitely confess it back. 
I decided to give it to him on Wednesday night, at the church. We were there practicing for our church's roadshow/play. I was both excited and nervous.
My friend (not pictured) had also showed up for practice and was also carrying a Valentine's Day card for Cory. I couldn't believe it! She never told me she liked him, whereas I had made it very clear to her about my feelings for him. I was not happy. 
For some reason, she had left the foyer where we were anxiously waiting for Cory to be done practing. That's when I noticed her card! She had left it sitting on the table. In that moment a little devil popped up on my shoulder tempting me to put her card into the trash can. I knew I could never put it in there. . . . . . . . that would be the first place she would look. Instead, cunning and devilish Jaimie decided to set the trash can on top of the card. Come on, who would ever think to look under the trash can. Sure enough Lauren came back for her card. When she couldn't see it on the table, she immediately looked IN the trash can. After looking around frantically for her card, she gave up, and disappointingly (is that a word) headed home. 
I, on the other hand, proudly handed my card to Cory. We never fell head over heels in love. In fact, his family moved back to America not too long after that (probably to get away from the psycho girl in his primary class.)
Looking back, I am not proud about what I did. I was young and a bit of a brat, but you know what they say - "All is fair in love a war."

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Visiting Teaching Message February 2017 Handout

Christ's Atonement is Evidence of God's Love

you are welcome to use these handouts. 
Simply right click, save, and print

Quotes to help You Through Those Hard Times

The following quotes were all from the October 2016 General Conference

quote by Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita

quote by Elder Ronald A. Rasband

you are welcome to save, print, and use any of these posters

Saturday, February 11, 2017

We Love to see the Temple

Living in Utah means being surrounded by beautiful temples. The girls love walking around the temple grounds (just not when it is freezing cold - oops.) Every building is unique and has the most stunning details. Our goal is to see as many as we can. So far we have seen 



St. George

Provo City Center (Hannah's Favourite . . . so far)

Salt Lake

and Oquirrh Mountain

We will be heading to California in the springtime and hope to go see the four in Southern California, as well as more in Utah and Las Vegas. 

Friday, February 10, 2017

We Have A Secret

As I write this blog post, I am actually quite nervous. I will start by saying that no, I am not pregnant. My secret is that we started a YouTube channel, and post videos of our everyday life. 
Why on earth would we want to do that? well One reason is I don't want my children to every forget their grandparents, cousins, parents, pets etc. I love that they will be able to sit down with their children and grandchildren etc and be able to show them things like their trip to Knotts Berry Farm, making pancakes in the morning, or playing games together. One of my biggest fears is to be forgotten, and I guess in some way, this will prevents that.Another reason is babies don't stay babies! My kids are growing so fast and I want to catch their little quirkiness at the age that they are now. Like how Lilly Belle says milk or how Hannah gets excited about everything, and how hard it is to make Beck smile. 
Wanting to do these videos is something I have been wanting to do for a long time. Almost four years ago was when I first started toying with the idea; however, I was worried about how I looked and what people would think. Those are still concerns hence why I am so nervous to share this, but I figured what the heck just do it. So if you would like to see our family and what we have been and are up to here is our channel link. Subscribe if you would like and hope you enjoy! 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Another Doctor's Visit

Today Beck had a doctor's appointment with a urology specialist. The doctor wanted to check the imaging from Beck's ultrascan and his test where they inserted the dye into his bladder. He did confirm that Beck had some urinary reflux into his left kidney, but has a 92% of it fixing itself over the next year. This was great news to hear because the more severe the reflux becomes the more likely it would be that Beck would need surgery to fix it. 
The doctor did decide the change his medicine which Beck has to take everyday for the next year. Every couple of months we call the doctor back with Beck's most current weight, and then he adjusts the amount Beck takes. His medicine is to prevent another urinary tract infection from occurring, this medicine is 85% effective (I think that was the percent the nurse gave.) If a UTI does occur while on the medicine, then we would have to reevaluate everything and go from there. 
This time next year we will be seeing the urology doctor again, repeating the test with the dye, and if it is all fixed Beck can stop taking the medicine. 
The doctor thought Beck looked good. Beck continues to eat and sleep really well and weighed in at 14 pounds (with clothes on.) Beck's next doctor's appointment will be his four month well visit. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Chocolate Chip Muffins

Chocolate Chip Muffins Recipe

dry ingredients - 1 3/4 cups flour
1/2 sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 salt
1 - 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips 

wet ingredients - 3/4 cups milk
1/4 oil
1 egg

in a large bowl combined all your dry ingredients
in a smaller bowl combined your wet ingredients
add your wet ingredients to your dry ingredients and mix until moist (don't overmix)

spray a muffin tin and add mixture (this recipe will make 12 good size muffins)
bake in 375 degree oven for 20 minutes 

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...