Friday, November 25, 2016

~ Things I am Thankful For ~

One reason I don't mind nighttime feedings is because I get to sit and think. The house is quiet and I am holding the worlds most beautiful baby. Last night, I started thinking about some things I am grateful for. Here are just a few :

My Faith - I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and Saviour, Jesus Christ. My religion is my foundation that keeps me going when things get tough. I know with all my heart that I am constantly being watched over. I also know that I can turn to my Heavenly Father in prayer and communicate all my thoughts, emotions, concerns, gratitude etc (basically everything and anything.) I do that knowing that my prayers are heard and answered in a way that is best for me and my family. I am grateful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost to led me in journey to be a better wife, mother and daughter of God. 
                                                                                                              My Husband - I don't say it enough but I am truly grateful to have Aaron in my life. He drives me crazy sometimes (no denying that) but he is always there for me. He is one of the few people who can calm me down when I become overwhelmed, stressed, or nervous. He keeps me laughing constantly. Aaron really is the funniest person I know. . . . besides myself of course. He works hard to support our family and understands how important it is to me that I stay home with my babies. He is an amazing Dad. He loves our children and is constantly showering them with kisses and cuddles. I am grateful to be on this journey of life with my hilarious, hard-working, and ridiculously handsome guy. 

My Children - I have seriously been blessed with the three most adorable children. Each one fits so perfectly into our family. Hannah is my goofy, sensitive, and caring five year old. Who teaches me all about patience (especially today when I woke up to find she had cut her own hair.) Lilly is my sweet, cuddly, and funny  one year old. I am grateful for her angelic personality and for all her cuddles and kisses. Beck is my handsome, melo, sleepy newborn. He sleeps like a champ during the night which I am extremely grateful for. I love cuddling him and giving him and endless amount of kisses. I really am grateful to be their Mum and have the opportunity watch them grow. They are my dream come true and I couldn't be happier. 

My Family - I come from pretty much the best family ever. My parents are amazing and a great
example to me. My siblings will do anything for me (including spending fall break cleaning my house, cooking me dinner, and watching my kids while I recover from having a baby. Thank you Kerri and Josh for watching the girls overnight.) I have a great extended family that lives far far away in England. I miss them like crazy and hopefully will get over there soon. 

I am also thankful for this beautiful apartment I get to live in and our not so easy journey that led us to Utah. Happiness really does come from the people you surround yourself with and not the things you can buy. . . .although some chocolate does sound good right now. 

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