Wednesday, November 30, 2016

~ My Two Week Postpartum Update ~

Recovering from childbirth sucks! However, with each day that passes it gets better. Much like with Lilly Belle I had a 2nd degree tear which is a lot better then the 4th degree tear I had with Hannah. While in the hospital, I was able to get quite a bit of rest. Aaron did all the diaper changes and feedings while we were there. Thankfully, we were discharged the next day. There is something about being home, sleeping in your own bed, and showering in your own shower that makes you feel instantly better. 

A few days after arriving home, I passed a golfball size blood clot. This instantly freaked me out. I called the doctor who asked me a bunch of questions, and then reassured me that everything was fine. I, however, was not convinced. This worry led me into a spiraling meltdown. Every time I looked at my kids, I would burst into tears. I kept telling Aaron how much I loved them! I also had to turn off the TV cause the show I was watching had me in tears. My fear was another clot forming and something horrible happening. Yeah I was a mess. Luckily, I woke up the next day feeling much better. I did some laundry, got some fresh air, and ate a burger (I was told it helps.)

Since then, I have been great. I haven't cried (for no reason) or felt overwhelmed with everything. I have managed to successfully take three kids to the store by myself. I have also managed to do a little Christmas shopping as well. 

I am anxious to start exercising again. My goal is to eventually get my body back the way it was before I had Lilly Belle. I also know it is the holiday season where I get to eat the most delicious food. I am not going to start dieting until after the holidays. 

I have been surprised with how well I can function while being tired. I do take a quick nap or two if needed, but haven't felt totally exhausted. I also spend most of the day in either yoga pants or pajamas because why bother getting actually dressed unless I have too. I also couldn't tell you what day it is because my days all mesh together (which I think is normal when you are living life in three hour increments.) 

Overall, I am happy with life at the moment. I am thankful recovery is going well and look forward to what the future holds.

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