Wednesday, November 30, 2016

~ Beck's Two Week Update ~

It is hard to believe that my baby boy is already two weeks old! It is crazy how fast time goes by. I swear I just found out that I was pregnant! 

Beck has been doing wonderful since he was born. 
He is a really calm baby. I am not sure if you can tell in any of the pictures but we think Beck has a birth mark on his right eyelid. He also has dark brown hair, blue eyes, and long fingers. He loves being curled up and has just started to straighten out his legs. 

Beck loves to eat. The doctor said for a formula fed baby he is eating more than average. Beck is eating around 3-4 ounces every 3-4 hours. The average is around 2-3 ounces every 3-4 hours. Despite being a really good eater, Beck only weighed in at 8lbs which puts him in the 28%. The doctor didn't seem worried about his weight. All they look for at the two week appointment is that they have gained back their birth weight. Beck was 7lbs 9ounces when he was born, so he gained his birth weight back and then some. 

Another thing Beck is doing really well at is sleeping. He loves to sleep! (praying I haven't just jinx anything with that comment) I will feed him around 11pm and then he will sleep till 3-3:30ish and then eat and sleep till about 8ish. No complaints from this Mama. He also sleeps well during the day; although, his favorite place to sleep is on my chest. Again, no complaints I love him sleeping on me. 

Beck is also a world class pooper! I forgot how gross newborn poop is, so is all I am gonna say about that.

Beck is becoming more aware of his surroundings. He will look around for longer periods of time before eventually falling asleep. He startles when he hears loud sounds or I move him. He also has started to look at me. . . . not for long as he really just wants to sleep. My favorite thing that Beck has begun doing is smiling. I know it doesn't really mean anything other than gas, but it is still the most adorable thing ever! 

I am so grateful that he is healthy and doing well. His sisters love him so much, and are constantly giving him hugs and kisses. I am able to have Hannah hold him while I do quick chores like fold the laundry (she is, of course, in the same room as me.) Lilly Belle is still a bit too little to hold him. She still thinks he is her baby doll, and so loves to squeeze him.

Beck was 21.1 inches long (72%)and his head circumference was 34.75 centimeters (16%)
Our next appointment is when he turns two months old. 

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