Friday, August 26, 2016

~ A Fun Trip to the Aquarium ~

Hannah and Lilly both have a love for animals, so we decided to take a trip to the local aquarium. 

Looking at the stingrays.

Hannah loved seeing the real Dory. 

The aquarium had these really cool glass bubbles the kids could pop up in. 
Hannah loved them. 

Both the girls loved seeing the penguins.

Hannah looking at the Otters.

Sleepy girls at the end of the day means the trip was a success. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

~ Smashed Fingers and A Temple or Two ~

Today, I became an official Utah licensed driver. I took my written "open book" test and passed with flying colors. With it being an open book test, I would have been extremely embarrassed to fail. The embarrassment came seconds later when the employee handed me my temporary license. 
Has anyone seen that show called The Middle? There is this episode where Sue can't take a good school photo. They are ridiculously bad. When I saw my picture, I immediately thought about that episode. Yep, I am Sue. I don't dare put a picture up of what it looks like, so just imagine big wide eyes and a half creepy smile. . . . no joke. 

After this happy and equally mortifying experience, I needed some chocolate, English chocolate. So Aaron and I loaded up the girls and headed into Salt Lake City. 

After we bought our chocolate and got back in the car, Hannah accidentally smashed her fingers in the car door. She had a good cry, cuddled with Daddy, and enjoyed her chocolate. Luckily, her fingers aren't broken and she didn't smash any of her nails. She also got a special treat at Lush for being so brave.

We then took a walk around the Salt Lake Temple. . . . . . and maybe caught a pokemon or two.

We then took advantage of IHOP's $1 short stack pancakes for dinner. We ate way too much, so decided to walk around the Prove City Center Temple. I love being so close to the temple. Hannah told me, as we were walking around, that she wanted to marry her Daddy in this temple. There were a couple of brides having their photos taken and Hannah loved watching them. 

The girls finished the day with a long soak in the tub.

Monday, August 22, 2016

~ Motivational Monday #16 : My favorite name is Mummy ~

This quote by Elder Neil L. Andersen has been on my mind for a while now. Probably because I have been asked again and again if I work or just stay at home. 
Just stay home!? Hello, I get to live my dream by being a Mother who "just stays home."

 Yes, it is hard, and there are countless days when I feel like a total failure.
However, becoming a mother has drawn me closer to my Heavenly Father, and I know I am doing his work. People may think they will lose their identity when they become a mother, but I know I have found the person I was always meant to be.
 I love being a Mum.

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait for tomorrow, 
For babies grow up, I've learned, to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust, go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.
- Author Unknown

Look at these cuties. . . 



Why would I want to be anywhere else?

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...