Monday, June 13, 2016

~ 16 Weeks Pregnant with Baby Boy Craig ~

Almost half way there! 

I still can't believe that I am having another baby. Not to mention a boy! Are they much different from girls? 
I still do not have a name for this little guy - well actually I do have a name, I am just waiting on my husband to agree on it. I told him that he has until the baby is born to come up with a better name. I know he won't and I know he likes my name, but he enjoys teasing me! Good thing I love him. 

One thing I have noticed for sure is I am a lot bigger with this baby then my last two. At eighteen weeks pregnant with Lilly, you couldn't even tell I was pregnant! This baby has made his presence know a lot sooner. I feel big already! I am trying to make sure I am eating healthier, so I don't put on too much weight. However, sometimes I just can't resist a McChicken sandwich and delicious salty french fries. I am also trying to drinking plenty of water. At every doctors appointment, I have been told to DRINK MORE! 

Overall, I am feeling good and excited to be adding a boy to our little family.

In case you were wondering . . . .

Weight gain : I started this pregnancy a lot heavier then with Hannah and Lilly at 145lbs. I am currently weighing in at 149lbs!

Maternity clothes : Yep! Although, I still fit into my skinny jeans which makes me feel really good about myself.

Sleep : How good I sleep really depends on how good Lilly Belle sleeps. 

Movement : I haven't felt him yet. 

Cravings: All the delicious yet terribly bad for you stuff - McChicken sandwich, french fries, and my biggest craving - salt and vinegar chips.

Sickness : Still taking that anti - nausea pill . . . . . . every morning :(

Symptoms : Just the occasional mood swing here or there. 

Belly Button/Ankles : Hoping my belly button stays in and my ankle remain beautiful.

Emotions : Anxious, Excited. Lots going on in our family life at the moment so my stress levels go up and down quite often. 

Looking ahead : Looking forward to our big move to Utah next month!

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