Monday, June 13, 2016

~ 16 Weeks Pregnant with Baby Boy Craig ~

Almost half way there! 

I still can't believe that I am having another baby. Not to mention a boy! Are they much different from girls? 
I still do not have a name for this little guy - well actually I do have a name, I am just waiting on my husband to agree on it. I told him that he has until the baby is born to come up with a better name. I know he won't and I know he likes my name, but he enjoys teasing me! Good thing I love him. 

One thing I have noticed for sure is I am a lot bigger with this baby then my last two. At eighteen weeks pregnant with Lilly, you couldn't even tell I was pregnant! This baby has made his presence know a lot sooner. I feel big already! I am trying to make sure I am eating healthier, so I don't put on too much weight. However, sometimes I just can't resist a McChicken sandwich and delicious salty french fries. I am also trying to drinking plenty of water. At every doctors appointment, I have been told to DRINK MORE! 

Overall, I am feeling good and excited to be adding a boy to our little family.

In case you were wondering . . . .

Weight gain : I started this pregnancy a lot heavier then with Hannah and Lilly at 145lbs. I am currently weighing in at 149lbs!

Maternity clothes : Yep! Although, I still fit into my skinny jeans which makes me feel really good about myself.

Sleep : How good I sleep really depends on how good Lilly Belle sleeps. 

Movement : I haven't felt him yet. 

Cravings: All the delicious yet terribly bad for you stuff - McChicken sandwich, french fries, and my biggest craving - salt and vinegar chips.

Sickness : Still taking that anti - nausea pill . . . . . . every morning :(

Symptoms : Just the occasional mood swing here or there. 

Belly Button/Ankles : Hoping my belly button stays in and my ankle remain beautiful.

Emotions : Anxious, Excited. Lots going on in our family life at the moment so my stress levels go up and down quite often. 

Looking ahead : Looking forward to our big move to Utah next month!

Monday, June 6, 2016

~ Shower of Heavenly Blessings ~

I randomly stumbled upon this video a few weeks ago when I was in the thick of a very hard time. I couldn't understand why my family was not being blessed. We were praying, reading the scriptures, going to church, doing all we could to get through this hard time. This video made me see that Heavenly Father is continually showering my family (and each of us) with his blessings, especially during this time in my life where I felt hopeless and lost. 
I am thankful for this simple reminder of love from a ever present father in heaven. 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

~ It's a Boy! ~

Towards the end of March, I decided to take a pregnancy test. I was genuinely shocked to see a positive result. It took a couple minutes to wrap my head around a third baby, but the excitement soon took over. I told Aaron who was equally as shocked and excited. We decided to keep it a secret until we had our first scan. 
The nausea and vomiting didn't start until mid April. Luckily, I had some medicine left over from my pregnancy with Lilly Belle. I did have to make a quick trip to the Emergency room once I ran out. I am finding out that it is becoming more and more difficult to get medicine for nausea and vomiting because the side effects it could possibly have on the baby. I honestly don't know how I would survive pregnancy without them. 
My first scan put my due date around the 20th of November. I switched doctors quickly after that visit so will get a new due date at my next appointment. As of today, I am around 15-17 weeks pregnant. 
Leading up to this latest scan, I had no idea if it was a boy or a girl. I honestly didn't mind either way. I thought another girl would be nice because I have everything all ready to go. I also thought a boy would be nice cause I already have two beautiful girls. Aaron wanted a boy and so did Hannah. She kept telling me she would be so disappointed if it was a girl because she wanted a little brother. Once we found out it was a boy, I had a very happy husband and a very happy big sister!
I was also very happy, and as time went on my excitement grew. I know it is not coincidence that we are having a boy. I know he is meant to come to our family at this time. 
We still don't have a name or any really in the mix. Hopefully, over time he will get one. 
We are excited to meet this little guy come November. 

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...