Tuesday, May 31, 2016

~ Our Summertime Bucket List! ~

This year we decided to make a family bucket list of all the things we want to do this summer. 
Some things are specifically for while we are here in California and others for when we move to Utah in July. 

Here is our list:
visit the farmers market
have a picnic
watch fireworks
play with bubbles
feed the ducks
take a trip to the playground
go to the aquarium
go to the library
go to the ice cream store
go strawberry (or any fruit) picking
take a ride on a train
go to a soccer game
move to Utah
go to the movies (in the park)
make s'mores
go miniature golfing
drive alpine loop
visit the dinosaur museum
visit temple square
make homemade playdoh
go to the beach
make a fairy garden
go to the zoo
play on the splash pad
fly a kite
go to a baseball game
walk around Gardner Village
go hiking
do some random acts of kindness
take swimming lessons (Hannah)
visit Wheeler Historic Farm
visit lots of temples
and eat lots of watermelons!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

~ Lilly Belle Turns One

It has been a whole year since we welcomed Lilly Belle into our family. From day one, I knew she was meant to be with us.
Lilly is an absolute sweetheart. She loves to smile and show off her FOUR teeth. She is a total cuddle bug and loves putting her face right next to mine. Lilly loves her sister, Hannah and thinks she is hilarious (Hannah is pretty funny.) Lilly has blonde hair and blue eyes (I have no idea where they came from.) She will take about four steps by herself before deciding it is much easier just to crawl to wherever she wants to go. Lilly can not be rushed into doing anything. She will figure it out in her own time at her own pace. I love that about her.
Lilly Belle can say, Dada, sister, doggie, and mama (but only when she wants something.) She loves every piece of food you put in front of her especially blueberries, peas, and yogurt. I love my little chunky baby.
The only real issue we had this year was trying to figure out why Lilly's cheeks were so red and dry. We tried everything! Finally, her doctor referred her to a specialist who prescribed her some cream. In less then twenty four hours her cheeks were looking so much better. Now we manage her dryness on her cheeks and arms with a cream called Mustela Stelatopia. Aaron found it on Amazon and it is working (for us anyways) really well. We assume it is some form of baby eczema; however, the specialist never said those exact words. It does come back now and then but the cream manages it pretty well. 
I am grateful everyday for this sweet little girl who was placed into our little family.

Here are some of my favourite pictures from the past year :

Coming Home

Lilly and Logan

 Little Lilly Belle

Lilly's First Christmas

Hannah and Lilly

Lilly at the Beach

Lilly at the Park

Our little family

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...