Monday, February 15, 2016

~ Motivational Monday #13 ~

Another quote I found on Pinterest, but wanted to make it my own. I don't have the original link for the quote unfortunately.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

~ Our Week in Pictures ~

Monday fun at Costco!
Hannah loved trying out the office chairs. . .  love the pose :)

While she was posing in the office chairs, I got a pic from my sister, Kerri, turns out she was two aisles away.
So we had lunch together at the snack bar.

My little weido loves costco hot dogs without the buns, oh and she eats it with a knife and fork. Hahaha I love her!
Brynn gave Hannah some of her pizza and now they have pizza smiles.

We then headed to the mall where Hannah decided to work off some extra calories.

On Tuesday it was time for some delicious English pancakes, I think I ate seven!

Wednesday Kerri, Erin and I went shopping at a LuLaRoe Party. This is me on Valentine's Day wearing the Julia dress

Also on Wednesday, I captured the most adorable picture of my girls!.

Thursday was dealing with a poorly baby girl with a stuffed up nose and a tooth beginning to poke through, but Hannah and I did get to do a little extra shopping to find some pieces to go with the things I got at the LuLaRoe party. . . . . no I didn't get the pink shoes.

Friday it was time to DECLUTTER toys!! 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

~ Declutter and Organization : Toys ~

I don't know about anyone else's kids, but Hannah has toys EVERYWHERE! 
Some had missing parts and/or pieces while others look ready to retire. We spent one morning going through all the toys. We collected all her toys and decided which ones we wanted to keep. 

These are the toys Hannah wanted to keep. This pile doesn't include stuffed animals (which we will need to declutter soon or big things like strollers) 
The best thing about this pile of toys is they all fit nicely in her purple box. 

SURPRISE FASHEMS - littlest pet shop, frozen, and my little ponies!

Friday, February 12, 2016

~ Come Follow Me : Sunday School : February : The Plan of Salvation : How Can I Use Church Music To Learn About The Plan of Salvation? ~

Color Poster

Black and White Poster

O My Father Worksheet

you may print the posters by simply clicking on the picture - right click - and save to your computer

Flashback Friday : The Longest Plane Ride EVER

A little Background : Every year, since moving to California in 1999, my Nan would come visit us for Christmas. However, slowly over the years she had started losing her memory. In 2006 my Aunt told us that she would not be able to make the flight by herself. I was selected to fly to England and then fly back to California with her. After two weeks of being in England it was time for us to board the plane and head over for Christmas. This is where my story begins. . . 

My Uncle worked for British Airways and was able to get us upgraded to club world! This meant our seats reclined into beds and we could raid the cupboard full of chocolate. It was AMAZING!! (That is if you aren't flying with a lady who is losing her mind.) The 10+ hour journey began with my Nan asking a simple question, where are we going? To which I replied California. I didn't mind answering this question because she was eighty and probably forgot. However, ten minutes later the same question was asked to which I answered again. Then ten minutes later the same question again. It was then I realized that I would probably be answering this question a lot. 

As the flight progressed my Nan (who never slept) noticed our seats were facing a bathroom. She would then ask to use the restroom, which was fine apart from our seats were in the middle of the row, so every time she needed the restroom we would have to disturb the nice gentlemen who was enjoying laying down, sleeping. The trips to the bathroom came about every half hour. I would politely inform her that she just used the restroom, but because she couldn't remember I had to take her again. We had to disturb the nice gentlemen again and again and again. 

The worst part of the flight came when my Nan woke me up in tears because she had no idea where she was or why she was there. She didn't know where she was going and it honestly freaked me out. I had to calm her down and inform her we were going to spend Christmas with Wendy and the kids. She would then settle back down. This happened a few times but she always settled down pretty quickly. 

By the time our flight came into land, I was done! I deserved an award for what I just went through. We got of the plane and started walking towards the exit. We did have to take a break and fetch my Nan a wheelchair because it was a long walk. We then arrived at customs. My EIGHTY year old Nan, who had overstayed her visa a few visits ago, was then wheeled in her WHEELCHAIR to secondary immigration. (I went with her of course)

After 10+ hours on a plane, I then had to spend 2+ hours in secondary immigration with my Nan who kept telling me that my Mum was right through that door over there. I honestly can not tell you how many times she told me that and after 2+ hours I lost it and just started crying. This was by far the longest flight of my life. Thankfully, the guy sitting next to us convinced the (stupid) immigration people that we needed to be pushed up in the line. Her name was then called and without saying a word to us, they stamped her passport and let us go. 
We then walked up the ramp to my Mum and Dad. It was finally over!

As I look back on this experience, I can actually laugh about it. I miss my Nan more than I could ever describe. She would do anything for her family. I am so grateful that I was able to spend two weeks in England with her before we flew to California. It honestly was a miracle she was even a loud to fly. A year later, I was able to enjoy club world by myself although a part of me wished she was with me. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

~ Hannah's YouTube Channel ~

While I was pregnant, and right after I had Lilly Belle, Hannah would lay next to me on my bed, with her iPad and headphones, while I took a nap. She would go on her YouTube kids app and watch these random videos. Then she decided that she wanted to make her own. After months and months, I finally decided to let her. She loves it making them and it is great one on one time for the two of us. 

new videos Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

Monday, February 8, 2016

~ Motivational Monday #12 ~

I saw this quote on pinterest one day and instantly loved it. Too often I don't even begin something because it seems too hard. This year I want to stretch out of my comfort zone and try some "harder things."

you may print the posters by simply clicking on the picture - right click - and save to your computer

Saturday, February 6, 2016

~ Declutter and Organization : T Shirts ~

I hate putting my husband's t shirts away. He has absolutely no room in his drawers anymore. I push, shove and cram his shirts in a desperate attempt to fit them all in. I decided that there has to be a better way. Luckily, YouTube is fully equipped to solve all my disorganization problems. I simply typed in decluttering and organizing and found several thousand videos to help me. Most of the videos led me to a book called, The Life changing Magic of Tidying Up. I won't go into details about the book at the moment but I found the inspiration I needed to organize all these t shirts.



This looks so much better! 
Now my husband can clearly see all his t shirts and I can simply put the t shirts back easily in his drawer.

How to fold t shirts
First - lay the t shirt front side down on the bed (making sure the neck hole is facing you.)

Next - take each side and fold towards the middle of the shirt.

Then - fold the shirt in half by bringing the bottom of the shirt to the top.

Next - divide the shirt into thirds and fold the top back a third, then back a third again.

It should look like this.

To ensure it was folded correctly, the shirt will be able to stand by itself.

I was so happy with the results that I declutted and organized mine and Hannah's t shirt drawers as well

 from this to that

 from this to that

Friday, February 5, 2016

~ Flashback Friday : The little girl who brightened my day ~

My first, and really only job, was working at Hesperia Recreation and Park District. I worked with the after school activities program. We would watch elementary school age children after school till their parents picked them up, but no later than 6-6 :30pm. One of the schools I worked at was Juniper. There wasn't many kids in this program, so I worked alone. 

For some reason, I have no idea why, I was not very happy. I remember feeling pretty down about something, and that I did not want to be at work that day. I was waiting patiently for classes to finish and my children to come meet me when a little second grade girl walked out of the classroom I stood by. She happily skipped past me to the bathroom. As she past by, she was kept looking at me. I didn't think anything of it cause kids like to stare. 

When she came back out of the restroom and was heading to her class, she paused in front of me and said, "You're really pretty." Then she turned and happily skipped back to class. 
That one little comment, from a girl I didn't know, was powerful enough to melt all my sad feelings away. I remember no longer feeling down, but was excited to work with my kids that day. I remember the day going a lot better than it would have, if that random little girl hadn't said what she said. I am so grateful to that little girl who completely changed my entire day.  

Thursday, February 4, 2016

~ Mummy's Makeup ~

I love makeup, and evidently, so do the girls. 
Brynn was over playing with Hannah one day when my sister and I noticed the girls had become rather quiet. Anyone with children know that a quiet child is not necessarily a good thing. 
In this case it was not. 
The girls had raided my makeup storage and try some of my products. They used foundation, eye shadow, mascara, and of course lipstick/lipgloss. 

I really struggled to discipline these girls simply because they looked so darn cute! 
Look at those faces!!
Anyways, I just wanted to share this not funny, but actually really funny, story.  

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

~ January Wrap-Up ~

In the month of January, I read a total of six books! 
This is amazingly wonderful for me for two reasons: One - my goal was three books, and two - I read a total of six books in the entire year of 2015 
So as you might be able to tell, I am ecstatic about this.

First, I read Winter by Marissa Meyer - This was the fourth and final book in the Lunar Chronicles. I had been anticipating this book all year! It was suppose to come out a lot sooner in 2015; however, it was pushed back to December. I did love this book. I enjoyed reading all eight hundred plus pages of it. I even liked the ending, but for whatever reason, I felt quite underwhelmed when I finished. I am not sure I can even explain why it was just like an, oh that's it moment. 
I ended up giving this book a four out of five stars

I then picked up Their Fractured Light by Anne Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. This was the third and final book in the Starbound trilogy. I have thoroughly enjoyed this trilogy. I found the story lines to be entertaining and mysterious, and I really liked the pace of these books as well. I know others found them to be quite slow, but I never had that issue. 
This book was a good ending to a good trilogy.
I gave this book four out of five stars

The third book I read this month was Better off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg. After reading two pretty intense finale books, I wanted a cute, cheesy, predictable contemporary, and that is exactly what this book was. I loved it from start to finish. The characters were adorable and the story was cute.
I gave this book four out of five stars

The next two books I read were book one and book two from the so close to you trilogy. They are So Close to You and This Strange and Familiar Place by Rachel Carter. At the start of the month, I had zero intention of reading these books; however, the more I saw them, sitting on my shelf, the more I wanted to read them. So I did! I really enjoyed these books. The story line was different from the books I have read in the past. The pace was good, and I was left with a lot of questions which is a good thing. I am eager to find out how this series will come to a close.

The final book I read this month was Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. WOW! I really did save the best for last. If you like a book with lots of twists and turns and an unbelievable PLOT TWIST then you have to read this book. I loved the characters and the story line. I loved the world it was set in, and can not wait to pick up the second book when it is released Feb 9th. 

~ Creamy Potato and Broccoli Soup ~

I got the idea for this soup from Laura in the Kitchen (link below.) Anyone who really knows me is aware of my OBSESSION with Laura Vitale. I can't count the amount of recipes I have tried, and loved, from her. When I saw a recipe for Loaded Potato Soup pop up on my Youtube, I knew I had to try it. Since then, I have taken away and added to the recipe, and now have it the way I love it!

you may print the posters by simply clicking on the picture - right click - and save to your computer

Monday, February 1, 2016

~ Motivational Monday #11. ~

I absolutely love this quote!
It made me step back and evaluate how I was spending my time during the day. I quickly realized that I was wasting a lot of my time, and instead wanted to invest it, so I can fill the measure of my creation. I know we are all here for a divine purpose, and each of us has a divine destiny to fulfill. I hope to make better use of my time, so I can fulfill my own purpose and destiny.

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...