Wednesday, December 28, 2016

~ Beck's Short Stay in the Hospital ~

On Christmas Eve, I noticed that Beck felt pretty warm. I took his temperature and noticed it was on the high side. Aaron and I kept a really close eye on him and checked his temperature often. 
I fed him early Christmas morning and thought he felt a lot cooler. His temperature had gone down and just assumed Beck was over it. 
It wasn't until early evening Christmas Day that I thought he had started to feel warm again. When I checked his temperature, he was well above 100.4. Aaron and I loaded up the car, dropped the girls and Uncle Josh at my sister Courtney's apartment and took Beck to the nearest emergency room.  

The emergency room was pretty full. The nurse was telling people as they got their vitals that the wait time would be at least an hour if not two. However, when you come in with a six week old who has a fever, you get a fast pass and skip the line. It was nice that we didn't have to wait but would have preferred, obviously, to not have to be there at all. Knowing Beck wasn't feeling good and there was nothing I could personally do for him isn't a nice feeling.
Most babies who visit the emergency room at this age and during this time of the year have RSV. Beck had a fever but no other symptoms that suggest RSV. He didn't have congestion, he wasn't struggling to breath, and he was still eating pretty good. So they took a urine sample and got some blood. The worse part by far was listening to Beck cry in pain while the nurses struggle to find a vein. Thankfully they finally found it and Beck was able to get some cuddles. 

We found out that Beck had a urinary tract infection and would have to be admitted. By the time they got us a room and his antibiotics it was past midnight. Aaron, Beck and I were exhausted. We decide to have Aaron take the girls home with Josh because Lilly Belle was not settling down. Beck and I sat in a chair next to his crib and cuddled all night. He slept pretty well and I was happy knowing he was going to get better soon. 

 By noon the next day Beck had some color back in his face. His temperature had spiked back into the high 99's around 4am, but was now back down and was holding steady. Aaron was back after getting the girls settled for the day. Thankfully Josh had the day off. I headed to Courtney's apartment which was only five mins down the road to shower and change. I was wearing a skirt and black tights which were not comfy to wear for as long as I did. Courtney was kind enough to lend me some sweats and a t shirt. 

As the day went on, Beck was looking better and better. He was finally getting some color back. Before we could go home Beck needed another dose of the antibiotics and all his test results had to come back negative. We were hopeful that we would be heading home the next day.  
Around shift change at 8pm, I thought Beck sounded like he was in pain. My thought was that his IV was bugging him. Sure enough around eleven when the nurse came to give him his second dose of antibiotics, she noticed that his IV had dislodged and had to be taken out completely. My worry now was that they would have to put another one in. I really didn't think I could watch them do that again. Luckily, the doctor decided not to poke him again and instead give his antibiotics through a shot into his thigh. 

After another night of sitting in a chair and holding Beck while he slept. I was pretty exhausted. Tuesday morning did bring good news. Beck's vitals were all good and his temperature was still down. His test results were coming back negative which was excellent news. Beck had an ultrasound on his kidneys to make sure everything was looking normal which it was. His blood works was showing that the bacteria wasn't growing which was another good sign. The only test that came back a little funky was his urine sample but once we talked with the doctor, he understood what had happened and felt good discharging Beck. 

We were finally done and headed home. I was so happy to dress my baby and put him in his carseat with his blanket. I am so grateful that it wasn't something more serious and we were in and out pretty quickly. I loved all the nurses we worked with. They were all friendly, informative, and made Beck and I feel very comfortable. They were constantly asking if we needed anything and were more then willing to help if we did. My friends and family were a huge support and I am thankful for all the prayers that were said on Beck's behalf. It was very humbling. We have a few follow up appointment with Beck's doctor and some antibiotics to give him but all in all he is doing really well. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

~ Our First Week with Noel the Elf ~

~ Elf on the Shelf Day Six ~

Today, Hannah and Lilly thought it was hilarious that Noel was inside the cereal box. 

~ Beck's Two Week Update ~

It is hard to believe that my baby boy is already two weeks old! It is crazy how fast time goes by. I swear I just found out that I was pregnant! 

Beck has been doing wonderful since he was born. 
He is a really calm baby. I am not sure if you can tell in any of the pictures but we think Beck has a birth mark on his right eyelid. He also has dark brown hair, blue eyes, and long fingers. He loves being curled up and has just started to straighten out his legs. 

Beck loves to eat. The doctor said for a formula fed baby he is eating more than average. Beck is eating around 3-4 ounces every 3-4 hours. The average is around 2-3 ounces every 3-4 hours. Despite being a really good eater, Beck only weighed in at 8lbs which puts him in the 28%. The doctor didn't seem worried about his weight. All they look for at the two week appointment is that they have gained back their birth weight. Beck was 7lbs 9ounces when he was born, so he gained his birth weight back and then some. 

Another thing Beck is doing really well at is sleeping. He loves to sleep! (praying I haven't just jinx anything with that comment) I will feed him around 11pm and then he will sleep till 3-3:30ish and then eat and sleep till about 8ish. No complaints from this Mama. He also sleeps well during the day; although, his favorite place to sleep is on my chest. Again, no complaints I love him sleeping on me. 

Beck is also a world class pooper! I forgot how gross newborn poop is, so is all I am gonna say about that.

Beck is becoming more aware of his surroundings. He will look around for longer periods of time before eventually falling asleep. He startles when he hears loud sounds or I move him. He also has started to look at me. . . . not for long as he really just wants to sleep. My favorite thing that Beck has begun doing is smiling. I know it doesn't really mean anything other than gas, but it is still the most adorable thing ever! 

I am so grateful that he is healthy and doing well. His sisters love him so much, and are constantly giving him hugs and kisses. I am able to have Hannah hold him while I do quick chores like fold the laundry (she is, of course, in the same room as me.) Lilly Belle is still a bit too little to hold him. She still thinks he is her baby doll, and so loves to squeeze him.

Beck was 21.1 inches long (72%)and his head circumference was 34.75 centimeters (16%)
Our next appointment is when he turns two months old. 

~ My Two Week Postpartum Update ~

Recovering from childbirth sucks! However, with each day that passes it gets better. Much like with Lilly Belle I had a 2nd degree tear which is a lot better then the 4th degree tear I had with Hannah. While in the hospital, I was able to get quite a bit of rest. Aaron did all the diaper changes and feedings while we were there. Thankfully, we were discharged the next day. There is something about being home, sleeping in your own bed, and showering in your own shower that makes you feel instantly better. 

A few days after arriving home, I passed a golfball size blood clot. This instantly freaked me out. I called the doctor who asked me a bunch of questions, and then reassured me that everything was fine. I, however, was not convinced. This worry led me into a spiraling meltdown. Every time I looked at my kids, I would burst into tears. I kept telling Aaron how much I loved them! I also had to turn off the TV cause the show I was watching had me in tears. My fear was another clot forming and something horrible happening. Yeah I was a mess. Luckily, I woke up the next day feeling much better. I did some laundry, got some fresh air, and ate a burger (I was told it helps.)

Since then, I have been great. I haven't cried (for no reason) or felt overwhelmed with everything. I have managed to successfully take three kids to the store by myself. I have also managed to do a little Christmas shopping as well. 

I am anxious to start exercising again. My goal is to eventually get my body back the way it was before I had Lilly Belle. I also know it is the holiday season where I get to eat the most delicious food. I am not going to start dieting until after the holidays. 

I have been surprised with how well I can function while being tired. I do take a quick nap or two if needed, but haven't felt totally exhausted. I also spend most of the day in either yoga pants or pajamas because why bother getting actually dressed unless I have too. I also couldn't tell you what day it is because my days all mesh together (which I think is normal when you are living life in three hour increments.) 

Overall, I am happy with life at the moment. I am thankful recovery is going well and look forward to what the future holds.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

~ Our First Real Snow in Utah ~

On Monday morning, we woke up to snow. It is always so beautiful to see everything covered in white.
 Coming from California, the snow on the ground would have lasted till about 10am. By that time, the sun would be out and all the snow would be gone. 
Not here. It snowed all day!

Hannah and Lilly Belle were so excited to go play in the snow. 
That excitement lasted for maybe five minutes. 
These California girls aren't quite use to the snow and cold yet. 
They came back in the house looking like icicles, even though they were wearing there thick snow jackets and had sweaters underneath. 
They still take super cute pictures despite being absolutely freezing.

By the evening, it was a full on snow storm. 

Eventually, it did stopped. 

When I was feeding Beck at 3:30am I could hear men shoveling the walkways and trucks plowing the roads. 

This is what we woke up to this morning. 
For now, the snow has stopped and the sun is shining. 
(can you spot the bulldog?)

~ Elf on the Shelf Day Four and Five ~

For day four, Noel decided to relax in our manger. It must be exhausting flying back and forth to the North Pole every night. 

Today, Hannah was very concerned because she couldn't find Noel. 
Finally, she found Noel on the counter in the bathroom. Noel is dressed up as a snowman with a note asking do you want to build a snowman. 
It must be because of all that snow we got yesterday! 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

~ Elf on the Shelf Day Three ~

Hannah was really worried Noel wouldn't have enough magic to make it to the North Pole and back (we found Lilly Belle (18 months old) playing with Noel yesterday.) 
You can imagine Hannah's excitement when she saw that Noel was NOT still in the carseat from yesterday. Instead she was reading her scriptures on the TV stand. 


This Christmas Season our family is going to take the light the world challenge. For 25 days in December we are going to light the world in 25 ways. This don't have to be big elaborate service projects, but 25 small acts of kindness. Below are some videos explaining more about the challenge and some links to some ideas.

Steven King, manager of media for the LDS Church’s missionary department said, “What we’re trying to do with this campaign is for each of us to act in the way our Savior would act as opposed to focusing on gifts and gift-giving — to make ourselves available to others, to serve them, to help them (and) helping light their way,”

I am really excited to get the girls involved and teach them the true meaning of Christmas.
 I hope your family can also participate and together we csn light the world.

“We have lights — all kinds of lights on our houses, on our trees, on our dining tables, so if we link those wonderful traditions with the source of truth, even Christ as the source of light, it just made great sense to all of us that that would be the theme that we would employ this year.”
Elder David A. Bednar

please visit for more info

25 days of service calenders

50 Easy service ideas

Saturday, November 26, 2016

~ When Cousins Come To Visit ~

My sister, Kerri, and her four kids decided to spend their fall break up here in Utah. 
They spent their time cooking, cleaning, and watching my kids while I recovered from having Beck.
 I didn't ask her to help, in fact I didn't even realize how much I needed the help. I can't put into words just how grateful I am that she came. It gave me time to just relax and enjoy my new baby and their company. 
It was actually pretty difficult to watch her leave, but I think I have been surviving pretty well.

 I really love and miss my family. 
Thank goodness I have another sister who lives close so I don't get too homesick. 

Here are some pictures of the fun we had while they were here. 
On the first day they were here it snowed! It wasn't much, but just enough to make these California kids happy.

We made sure to fit in some time for shopping. The girls went to the grocery store to pick out some goodies for lunch and snacks, and then we went to the church bookstore and the outlet mall. 

Logan and Lilly are best friends and only six weeks apart. They came with Kerri and I Christmas shopping because they are awesome at keeping the presents a secret.

Logan also made sure to have lots of cuddles with his new cousin, Beck. He was not happy when Kerri took Beck back :)

On the final night they were here, we headed to the Riverwoods to go play at the arcade. We had no idea it was going to be filled with Christmas lights.

and bonus Santa was there!!

Hannah loved having her cousins here especially Ashlyn because she loved playing Frozen with Hannah.

~ Elf on the Shelf Day Two ~

Noel is ready to take a road trip! I wonder where she wants to go?

Friday, November 25, 2016

~ Noel is back! ~

It seems like people either love the elf on the shelf or they hate them. We happen to love having Noel the elf around during the Christmas season. It is fun to watch the girls roam around the house trying to find her. It brings an added joy and excitement for the holiday season that goes by way too fast. 

For day one, Noel was sitting on our counter with a letter to the children. I will link the letter below. It talked about Noel being back and reminded the kids to be good. Hannah woke me up so excited that Noel was back! 

I wonder where she will end up tomorrow . . . 

~ Things I am Thankful For ~

One reason I don't mind nighttime feedings is because I get to sit and think. The house is quiet and I am holding the worlds most beautiful baby. Last night, I started thinking about some things I am grateful for. Here are just a few :

My Faith - I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and Saviour, Jesus Christ. My religion is my foundation that keeps me going when things get tough. I know with all my heart that I am constantly being watched over. I also know that I can turn to my Heavenly Father in prayer and communicate all my thoughts, emotions, concerns, gratitude etc (basically everything and anything.) I do that knowing that my prayers are heard and answered in a way that is best for me and my family. I am grateful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost to led me in journey to be a better wife, mother and daughter of God. 
                                                                                                              My Husband - I don't say it enough but I am truly grateful to have Aaron in my life. He drives me crazy sometimes (no denying that) but he is always there for me. He is one of the few people who can calm me down when I become overwhelmed, stressed, or nervous. He keeps me laughing constantly. Aaron really is the funniest person I know. . . . besides myself of course. He works hard to support our family and understands how important it is to me that I stay home with my babies. He is an amazing Dad. He loves our children and is constantly showering them with kisses and cuddles. I am grateful to be on this journey of life with my hilarious, hard-working, and ridiculously handsome guy. 

My Children - I have seriously been blessed with the three most adorable children. Each one fits so perfectly into our family. Hannah is my goofy, sensitive, and caring five year old. Who teaches me all about patience (especially today when I woke up to find she had cut her own hair.) Lilly is my sweet, cuddly, and funny  one year old. I am grateful for her angelic personality and for all her cuddles and kisses. Beck is my handsome, melo, sleepy newborn. He sleeps like a champ during the night which I am extremely grateful for. I love cuddling him and giving him and endless amount of kisses. I really am grateful to be their Mum and have the opportunity watch them grow. They are my dream come true and I couldn't be happier. 

My Family - I come from pretty much the best family ever. My parents are amazing and a great
example to me. My siblings will do anything for me (including spending fall break cleaning my house, cooking me dinner, and watching my kids while I recover from having a baby. Thank you Kerri and Josh for watching the girls overnight.) I have a great extended family that lives far far away in England. I miss them like crazy and hopefully will get over there soon. 

I am also thankful for this beautiful apartment I get to live in and our not so easy journey that led us to Utah. Happiness really does come from the people you surround yourself with and not the things you can buy. . . .although some chocolate does sound good right now. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

~ My Pregnancy with Beck in a nutshell ~

I found out about this sweet surprise around Easter. I was shocked and excited and completely                                        speechless. All I knew for sure was November was so far away.

I suffered the same symptoms as with the girls. I was sick from start to finish. The only problem with this pregnancy, as opposed to the girls, was doctor's are very reluctant to prescribe zofran because it
has been tied to birth defects. This meant I had to switch my first doctor and convince the next one I really needed the prescription. All I know is no zofran equals a day full of puking. I did try to go without the medicine a couple times but no such luck. My only other pregnancy symptoms were a lack of energy which made sense because I had a low iron count. I could also get quite moody and had an intense craving for gummy fangs.

I may get sick (which sucks) but on a good note my ankles don't swell, my belly button stays in and I do not get any stretch marks! This pregnancy I also tried really hard to stay active. I gained an insane amount with Lilly Belle which I never got rid off. This pregnancy I didn't want to gain too much. I ended up gaining 31 pounds which my doctor seemed happy with. Chocolate will always be my downfall.

My little guy was super active while I was pregnant. He felt like he was stretching every which way. His feet felt like they were constantly poking my ribs and I am sure he was using my bladder as a pillow. The worse was when he had hiccups. I really do not like the way those felt. 

Overall, this was a really nice pregnancy (besides getting sick of course.) I didn't have any complications and all my appointments went really well. I am so happy this little guy came sooner then we originally planned. 

~ The Story behind Beck's Name ~

For me, finding a boy's name that I love has always been a struggle. I could give you an endless list of girl's names that I love; however, a name for a boy, not so much. I like a lot of names like Landon, Russell, Evan, Ryan etc but none that I would use to name my little guy. I was convinced that he would be baby boy Craig forever. 

The Sunday before my gender reveal ultra scan (although they make it clear that this is not a gender reveal scan) Aaron and I rented a movie called, God's of Egypt. . . . Awesome movie by the way. . . In that movie their is a scene where the God, Horus, keeps calling his mortal companion mortal instead of his name. Eventually, the mortal says to Horus that his name is not mortal, it's Beck! As soon as he said that I turned to Aaron and said I like that name. From that moment on it is all I could think about. Aaron wasn't ready to commit to Beck. Over the next couple months he mentioned other names to me, but nothing compared to Beck. I knew this was his name and finally Aaron admitted it too. 

Now we had his first name we just needed a middle name. We had always discussed using Edward as a middle name after my father and Aaron's step-dad, and we had told a few people that his middle name was Edwards. However, as the pregnancy progressed it just wasn't feeling right to me. It wasn't until he was born that I told Aaron I wanted his middle name to be Aaron. I know Aaron was touched by this because he has always wanted a boy. 

I couldn't be happier with his name. I love my little guy, Beck Aaron Craig.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

~ Beck's Birth Story ~

On Thursday November 10th, I went to my 38 week doctor's appointment. I was almost 4 cm dilated and 70% effaced. This was very exciting news because I had never been more than 1 cm at that time in my previous pregnancies. The doctor decided to strip my membranes (which really is not fun at all!) She was confident that this would kick start my labor. For the rest of the day I felt some cramping but nothing more.                                                                                                                                                                             On Friday, I had a strong feeling that I needed to get organized. I picked up some last minute supplies and packed my hospital bag. That afternoon, I started to feel those contractions start. They weren't strong and quite far apart, but I knew it was the beginning of something.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 At 3am Saturday morning, I woke up to an intense contraction. I decided to begin timing them (which I later found out that I suck at) and see how long I could labor at home. I forgot how painful those contractions were. Around 12:30pm, I thought my water may be leaking (it wasn't) so I called the labor and delivery and decided to head over and get checked out. 

There was a whole mix of emotions during the 10 minute drive to the hospital. I was relieved that this pregnancy was coming to an end, excited about finally meeting this little guy, nervous about labor and delivery, and overwhelmed with how quickly this was all happening.                                                                                                                                                      When I arrived at labor and delivery, I was hooked up to the machine so they could monitor contractions. The nurse was surprised that they were coming every minute to a minute and a half (because I told her they were six to seven minutes apart,) and even more shocked by how well I was handling them. She said I was 5cm and ready to be officially admitted to a room. She put in the order for an epidural and put Aaron and I in our room.                                                                                                                       From that moment on everything went by really fast. I got the epidural, my water broke and then around 4:20 I was ready to push! I remember looking at Aaron and saying we just got here and now we are going to meet him! It didn't seem real. Five pushes later he was placed on my stomach. He was absolutely perfect.

Beck weighed in at 8 pounds 9 ounces and 19 inches long. He is the perfect addition to our little family. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

~ A Fun Trip to the Aquarium ~

Hannah and Lilly both have a love for animals, so we decided to take a trip to the local aquarium. 

Looking at the stingrays.

Hannah loved seeing the real Dory. 

The aquarium had these really cool glass bubbles the kids could pop up in. 
Hannah loved them. 

Both the girls loved seeing the penguins.

Hannah looking at the Otters.

Sleepy girls at the end of the day means the trip was a success. 

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...