Friday, November 20, 2015

~ Lilly Belle : Six Months Old ~

My Lilly Belle is six months old! 
She weighs nineteen pounds five ounces and is twenty eight inches long.

Lilly is now rolling over and trying so hard to scoot around on her belly. She likes to sit up and is getting really good at balancing when she tilts her head.

 She has started eating banana oatmeal in the mornings and a fruit or veggie in the late afternoon. She has loved EVERYTHING she has tried including apples, prunes, carrots, and green beans. All her food is pureed, although I did debate about doing the LED weaning method. Her main source of nutrition is Enfamil Soy Formula which she eats about five - six times a day.

Lilly is starting to transition from her co sleeper to her crib. It has been a hard transition because I can't swaddle her anymore and she loves being swaddled. 

Her cheeks are still red. We have an appointment next week, so hopefully we will have some answers. 

Lilly has no teeth yet, but I swear she has been teething since month two! She also has started to wear twelve month pajamas. . . yes she is my chunky baby. I love how cute and cuddly she is in them. 

I can't wait to see what milestones the next couple of months bring : )

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