Friday, May 15, 2015

~ Lilly Belle's Birth Story ~

On Wednesday May 6th, I went to my 39 week appointment. I was one centimeter dilated, so the doctor decided to strip my membranes. I thought for sure I was going to go into labor that day. . . . . . but nothing happened. In fact, it seemed like Lilly was even more comfortable right where she was. Thursday was pretty much the same. I had none of the symptoms that were common with having your membranes stripped. 
Friday, I went about my day as normal.  We ran some errands, Erin, Hannah and I went on a walk, and I ate a delicious cheeseburger for dinner. At 6pm, I was sitting on my bed when I had this sudden urge to go to the restroom. I made it to the bathroom just as I felt a huge gush of water. I was pretty convinced that my water had just broken but was still a little unsure. I decided to wait to see if I was still leaking before calling the labor and delivery ward. At seven thirty I finally called them and was told to continue to monitor the leaking and then call back at 9pm. After another gush, I called back and we decided it would be best to come in and get checked out. We arrived at the hospital around 10:30pm (I wanted to shower and pack some last minute items.) We went into a small room where a nurse monitored my contractions and took a sample of the leakage (all this talk of leaking sounds pretty gross.) Although my water had broken, I wasn't showing signs of progression with my contractions or dilation. I had also tested positive for group b strep (GBS) which meant I wasn't able to be checked as regularly for fear of infection.
The doctor decided it would be best to put me on some pitocin to help regulate and increase my contractions. At 4am the contractions were coming in rather intense; however, I still wasn't progressing. I was only three centimeters and my cervix hadn't thinned out. I was so deflated.
The doctor recommended getting an epidural and then kicking up the pitocin dosage. This way at least I would be able to rest while the contractions became more intense. Although the epidural is AMAZING, it does leave me extremely nauseous. I did manage to get some rest inbetween vomiting. The next time I was checked was around 7am. I was just praying I had made some progress. The doctor informed me that I was now seven centimeters. and that my cervix had completely thinned out. YES, this was exactly what I wanted to hear. I continued to rest until I reached those last few centimeters, then it was time to start pushing. I had been pushing for about an hour and a half when Lilly finally made her appearance. Much like with Hannah, I was completely speechless. It was so surreal to be finally be meeting this baby that I had carried around for nine months. She was tiny, compared to Hannah, weighing in at seven pounds 5 ounces and was twenty inches long.
I can not begin to describe the instant and overwhelming love I feel for her. I am so blessed to have two beautiful little girls in my life.

I just want to take a minute to brag about my amazing husband. I could not have done labor and delivery without him. From my crying to my puking, he was right next to me telling me how great I was doing. 
He held her, fed her, and changed every diaper so I could rest. I am so in love with this guy and he is so in love with his  girls : )

Within Reach

  After having my first baby, I wanted to keep her close to me. I felt uneasy when she wasn't in my arms. Now she is thirteen, and I sti...